Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Because I Only Have 30 Minutes

I usually have 45-60 minutes to do my blog but I got caught up in emails and ran out of time. blog today (which can often be more time-consuming, but I'll watch it carefully). Snow is back on the way to us, ready to hit us tomorrow and Friday with anywhere from 6"-12" of heavy, wet snow. ICK! It will melt soon, but we'll need to survive the end of the week first. I'll enjoy today because it'll be a nice one. Therefore, I think I'll look at pictures that are NOT featuring snow. So, let's see if any theme comes through my jangled thoughts by the end of my choices...

I really loved this picture of warm fields. Of course it's probably
Photoshopped, but who cares? It's just pretty! 

I love the warm reflections in the pond balanced with the amazing sky above. I found
this on a little website featuring amazing photography. 

This is a rather amazing photo of the Kelimutu Volcano. It has a warm
horizon and volcanoes are warm...yes? Are you sensing a theme here yet? 

Here's a retreating cloudbank over a mountaintop lake. I've seen the clouds act
like this when I lived in the mountains. It's almost as if the clouds have
sentient thoughts and like acting like blankets for the high peaks. 

The broad plains in various places on earth are powerful in their own
right. I loved this picture of a sunset behind the solitary church on the hilly
plains. It reminds me of scenes I saw in South Dakota over the years. 

And for my final warm picture in this photo blog, a wonderful photo of Crater Lake, Oregon. Although there is plenty of snow in the picture, the overall effect is so beautiful, I'll overlook the snow and focus on the warm.

A wonderful picture of sun over the rim of Crater Lake. 

Have a warm and Happy Wednesday. I hope to get a lot of my errands and chores done today and am looking forward to my weekly chat with Aearwen.  I'll be back to talk with all of you tomorrow.

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