Monday, October 21, 2013

Cold Has Come

Sometimes we'll have warm weather through Samhain, but this year the cold seems to be catching up with us and it hit throughout the weekend. As DH and I happily looked through rocks at the small local rock show, we were absolutely freezing! It was drizzling, it was in the low 40's or upper 30's (4.44 to -1.11C) and we were standing outside holding wet stone. Ooof!

Love these colorful Jack-O-Lanterns.

But indoors it was pleasant and I picked up some stone from one inside dealer who is going out of business. I felt sorry for him - he was a young man who was obviously having some health issues and it seemed, as I talked with him, that giving up working and cutting rocks was the last thing he wanted to do, but that he had to do it. He had Feather Ridge Plume Agate and I fell in love with the stone. DH says he's not sure about how he should cut it, but I know exactly what I want him to do and I'll do the rest with my Targus. I'll get what I want from the stone. Then I'll need to figure out exactly how I want to use it in a finished item. I also won a door prize - a really fun piece of Selenite from Peru!

Our saw is a LOT smaller than this one. Look carefully - it is actually two
large blades that cut stone blocks. Pretty amazing equipment. 

We left the show earlier than we normally would have because we were cold. We dropped off the rocks and went shopping at Target - time for the monthly pick-up of things like toilet paper and deodorant - the important things in life. Then an early dinner and I went down to my computer to edit a story due later this week. I fell asleep on my desk (hopefully it wasn't that the story was boring) and he was also falling asleep, so a nap before "Amazing Race" was in order.

I do love a lot of reality shows and The Amazing Race is one of my favorites.

My Denver Broncos lost last night. I didn't stay up for the game - sleep before my work week is usually my focus on Sunday nights, but first thing this morning I checked the standings. *sigh* Oh well, they're still my team, no matter wins or losses. But it was a disappointment.

Our first loss this season *sigh*. BUMMER!

Here's hoping you all have a fabulous Monday!

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