Thursday, June 21, 2012

Shooting Myself in the Foot

I'm sure every one of my readers knows the feeling. You comment in a conversation and suddenly stop - you've just said something horribly inappropriate and stop in horror as your realization of the disconnect between mouth and brain becomes apparent. Well, I didn't do anything quite that bad. In fact, not at all that bad. But, I do keep changing my mind on stories that I am writing, resulting in massive re-writes. If it was a drabble, or even a smaller story of 2000-6000 words, no big deal. But the big ones with major re-do work...whatever am I thinking!?! Nonetheless, I decided to change the POV on my AinA story yesterday, and after working on it for more than six hours, I made my way through to page 17. Only ten more pages to revise before I can pick back up with writing the rest of the story. Geez! It's not as if I don't have other stories waiting in the pipeline to be written. I can't spend my entire lifetime on a single one. Somebody kick me please.....

But to return to the mundane from the keyboard, my Solstice was actually very nice indeed. One of my f-list friends identified my pic of an alternate Stonehenge as Stonehenge Aotearoa in New Zealand. Wow! I need to go there and see this in person. So beautiful! I had a "Celebrate the Solstice" coupon from my local coffee shop for a very inexpensive iced fancy coffee which tasted lovely, and I also had a coupon for a free "classic ham sandwich" from Honey-Baked Ham (nom, nom). So good! The two coupons gave me a wonderful lunch. Add a shortened (45 minutes - yes...for us that is shortened) conversation with Aearwen in the late afternoon and all was good.

Customer numbers and sales numbers are drastically down at the shop this week so far, and that is NOT good. Maybe everyone is concerned with the flooding that is happening in the northern part of the state? I have no idea about why our sales are so down, but I'm starting to get really concerned. I have expenses I have to pay like rent, utilities, and salaries for my wonderful employees. This is NOT helping. I guess I'll have to smudge the shop this morning and see if we can turn another corner in this maze I call retailing.

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