Friday, November 5, 2010

Two Days and Counting

The last thing that I am working on is the tombstone for Chickie's chair.  I needed to add a backing to it so that it would have more stability, and we will have to pin the ribbons to the elastic bands once we are there.  The chair will be a bit "futzy", but everything else is organized and ready to go, and I think things will work smoothly.  I wanted to write my eulogy, but I may have to wing it.  I can do that, I'm actually a good public speaker and good at thinking on my feet.  However, if I get a chance, I'll try and at least write some notes down tonight. 

Delivering a eulogy - hope mine will be as funny!

I have received cards from almost everyone who said they would send one.  Got Sharon's yesterday, Pam's last week.  I still don't have one from Quill, but I can't do anything else to get it and it might come today.  I still have one person who needs to pay me - I'll hit her up that night.  Everyone else paid timely and I think we're as set to go as possible.  I just need to get everything together into a single package with the storyboard, fabrics and easel, and we'll be ready to rock.  I'll be happy to have this party over and done with, I have other things that I need to concentrate on now. 

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