Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Passages, Overwork and Directions

This morning the news was headed by the death of Ted Kennedy. I loved Jack Kennedy, even though I was very young and really not aware of what a President was. He had a nice smile and I do remember where I was when the news of his assasination hit the airwaves. I was a bit more politically active in 1968 when Bobby was killed. And with his death began the end of the dream, even though it took several more years to actually die. And now Ted. He was never my favorite of the family, but he was a highly effective legislator and I think that the Senate will miss him.
I'm working too hard. I always work too hard, but it's worse than usual because my friend VerLaine is off this week. I am accomplishing a lot, but I need a Chickie break! But she certainly deserves her vacation and I hope she's enjoying it while I work with aching feet - LOL.
If things don't work out - read the directions. It's a "duh" statement, but gets pounded back into my head periodically. When I serged the hem on the wollen part of my cloak earlier in the week, I had really bad tension on my seam. So, before starting the satin part last night, I pulled out the instruction booklet for the serger and re-read the threading instructions. Then I pulled out the threads and rethreaded the machine - this time correctly. The results were so much more satisfying. Amazing! So now I'm on to the hand-sewing parts of the cape. And I'm actually looking forward to it - quite weird since I usually am not fond of hand sewing of any kind. Guess I'm mellowing with age.......Nah!

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