Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Forging Ahead

I brought my finished enamel charms to the shop and have started attaching them to jump rings and including business cards. I think I'll print tags explaining the process for each bag as well. I have culled the best seven out and I will choose one for myself from that group, as well as one for my roomie, Shruti. I'm starting to look forward to this next trip, even though I need to figure out a couple of things. Primarily in my mind is what I want to do for my bronze clay class. Gordon and Louise are teaching what they call a "Sea Witch". The techniques are most certainly going to be helpful to my own work. But I don't do human representational work. So I'm trying to figure out how I can wiggle here. I'm thinking my best bet may be to work with one of the Egyptian gods as my imagery instead of making a more human-styled mask. I don't really have any good reason why I tend to not make "human" or "doll-like" images, but I have steered away from that for many years. I'm sure there is some subconscious reason for it.
And Le Tour de France is turning into a great race this year. Yesterday's wonderful catch-up and breakaway by Columbia was incredible to see. Only those riders who were very aware and up front were able to keep up with it, including Lance and Fabian Cancellara. Mark Cavendish won another sprint stage (the man is absolutely incredible as a sprinter) with the Hammer - Thor Hushovd, coming in second. Lance moves up to third place overall, and today is the team time trial. Lots of great racing still to come - call me HAPPY!

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