Wednesday, February 5, 2025

It's Surgery Day (Finally) - Let's Wave Goodbye To This Pesky Tumor

Today is the big day - surgery for my breast cancer. I'm scheduled to check in around 6:00-6:15 am at the hospital, then I'm whisked away, DH can go to the shop and get that ready for the day, and Claire will settle down in whatever waiting rooms are available. My actual surgery is scheduled for shortly after 8:00 am, and I'll probably be back home before noon. Claire will stick around at the hospital until about 10:00 am, at which time she'll drive to the shop and keep Chickie company until DH gets me settled back at home after I'm released. It's been a long journey, but a surprisingly quick one too. 

My tumor is located in the lower portion of my breast, so 
I suspect the middle picture will be closer to my reality. 
Still, I'm not the one performing the surgery (thank 
goodness). LOL

I'm very grateful that breast cancer treatments and surgery has come as far as it has in my lifetime. It used to be a death sentence, then horribly disfiguring (although you do what you need to do, in those cases), and now, if they can catch it early, it's quick, focused, and thorough. At least, I HOPE it will be thorough. But I will go on record here that I'm getting really tired of having needled stuck into my breast. It got old really quickly. And even if every time I got jabbed it was for a good reason, I will be happy to allow that experience to melt into the past and not be revisited. 

Memories hang around, and are warped by newer 
experiences. Memory is rarely entirely truthful. 
Here's a small bit of Dali's masterpiece, "The 
Persistence of Memory". This is life, encapsulated. 

I asked DH to bring home some good sushi last night, and he totally delivered. It was an awesome dinner with lots of variety. So good! But then we separated once again, because he's got this cough that simply won't go away, and I refuse to potentially catch whatever germs he might be carrying around him. So he was upstairs and I was downstairs for "Oak Island" last night. I do wish he'd get rid of the cough. I don't think he's even bothered seeing his doctor about it. Of course his doctor is a piece of work - probably should have been retired at least a decade ago. No real help there! 

We had a lovely assortment of sushi for dinner last 
night. I had texted DH and told him I was really in 
a mood for a nice assortment of "real" sushi (not 
just the rolls we often end up with for the sake of '
economy). He brought home three lovely groupings 
and we both enjoyed dinner very much. 

So, as I wrap this up, I'm going to reiterate once again ... GET YOUR MAMMOGRAMS! We managed to catch my cancer early and we've been treating it aggressively to get rid of it quickly. That wouldn't have been possible without early detection through my most recent mammogram. Get those boobs squeezed - it might save your life. (That includes you too, guys! Men get breast cancer too.) I'll be back tomorrow, although I might let myself sleep in a little bit. Have an excellent Wednesday. And Matt - my dear departed friend - I'm thinking of you today! Slava Ukraini. 

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