Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Books, People and Pork Roast - A Bit of Something for Everyone on a Rainy Tuesday

It's raining in waves this morning - heavy downpour for a few minutes, then quiet. Totally weird, and leaving me quite unsure about appropriate attire for standing outside the gym doors this morning. I always have an umbrella in my car, but if we're also getting wind along with the rain, an umbrella won't be a lot of assistance. I can pull my yellow "Paddington Bear" slicker from the closet and wear that, I suppose. My Mother-in-Law gave it to me during my first year up here. I'd never needed one before - we didn't get long periods of heavy rain back in the desert areas where I was from. 

We've had our copy of "Crockett's Victory 
Garden" since the early 1980's and use it 
extensively. I remember watching the show 
on PBS when I was younger. I really enjoyed 
him - plain spoken and so very knowledgeable. 

There are times in the rainy days, when I stand in front of the YMCA doors and wonder if I could just swim through the raindrops - they can be that heavy. Today, however, seems like bands of rain followed by total quiet and no drops. Quite unusual and challenging for appropriate dress. My yellow slicker will probably be taken out of the closet for today. I'll use my umbrella too. But maybe I'll be lucky and the 5 minutes or so that I'm standing outside the doors waiting for our Gate Gargoyle to unlock will be in a dry period. 

Chanda is moving with her family from "I am very 
complex, really. I am kind of my own region." in the 
center north, all the way east to "I only use you for 
your lakes." It's not a large parish, but it'll be a good 
one for her husband to build and strengthen. He's 
excited, everyone else is working hard to allow him 
to live his dream. 

Speaking of our Gate Gargoyle, she's leaving us. Next week will be her last week before she moves to a small town in Ohio where her husband (a pastor) has taken a job. It's been a lot for her to do - getting the household and the kids packed up and ready to move, getting her current house onto the market, and generally, high stress. But she goes where her husband finds a job, and he found a church that needed him in Ohio. I hope things go well for her, but it's a pain. We just got Chanda trained and she's leaving us. She won't even be here when the outdoor pool opens. Instead, we'll need to train in another new Gate Gargoyle. *sigh* 

I love cooking my roasted pork loin. I put it into 
the oven with the thermometer in it, and just let it 
cook until it's at temp. I marinate it 1-2 days before, 
so it gets all flavorful. It's easy and it's delicious. 
A total win/win. If you're interested in the exact 
recipe, look up "Fall-Apart Roasted Pork Shoulder 
with Rosemary, Mustard and Garlic". It's a winner! 

Sunday's pork loin cooked up wonderfully - that recipe is a keeper. I've made it several times now and it's always perfect. It's the kind of meal that I love - little muss, little fuss, and great results. We're getting several more meals out of the roast, so it's definitely something I'd do again. I love easy in the summer months when I'd rather be outdoors in the garden than cooking in the kitchen on my Sundays. I'm wrapping this up and getting ready to get wet. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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