Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Beaver in the Pool - A Laugh for Your Day

Yesterday was a really nice day - not just in weather, just totally in general. Things clicked. I wasn't super rushed, I didn't have a long list of things I had to accomplish, and I managed to get everything done that I needed to. It even started out with a burst of humor which I'll share with you because we all need something to laugh about, don't we? 

At first, Beth couldn't tell it was a beaver, because it 
was sitting, and they sit on their tails. But then it went 
into the pool water and she saw the tail and those 
powerful back feet. I'm quite amazed that it wanted to 
climb over the tall chain link fencing to get to the pool. 

Coming to the doors of the gym yesterday, my friend Meg asked if I had heard about the beaver. "Beaver? No, haven't heard anything." She grabbed her phone and showed me a somewhat blurry photo of a beaver sitting on a platform surrounded by water. I looked at her quizzically. "It's our pool!" she said with a huge grin. I looked again. It WAS our pool. Our outdoor pool. Apparently beavers can climb over eight-foot tall chained link fences. Who knew? LOL Anyway, our lifeguard Beth, as she was off shift and heading to her motorcycle, checked the outdoor pool as is her habit at this time of the year. She was shocked to see an animal in the middle of the pool. At first she thought it might be a muskrat, but then she saw that distinctive tail. Nope, it was a BEAVER - about 14-16 pounds worth of a beaver. In the middle of our pool! Needless to say, we all got a seriously good laugh about that one. My friend Even said that beavers are attracted by the sound of running water. Well, we are filling the pool now, so that would certainly qualify as running water. Too FUNNY! 

I went to my local FedEx Office store to fax the documentation 
to the credit card company. I knew they would have the 
appropriate equipment. It cost me $2.49/page and it was a 
total of 30 pages! OUCH! But, I'm not going to get a bad 
mark on my store credit at this point in my life. The sale 
was legitimate and I'm owed my money. GRRRRR. 

The day itself went really smoothly for me. I gathered all of the paperwork for the charge card credit that I'm disputing, made sure I had a cover letter explaining everything, and headed over to the FedEx store to fax it to the credit card company. For some reason, they insisted on a fax. Well, the damned fax cost me more than $75 to send, and the disputed amount is for less than $40, but I'm in the right on this one, and I'm not backing down. I have a perfect record on my charges over almost 30 years, and I'm not letting a one-time customer ruin my credit rating with my vendors and bankers. So, I got the 30 pages of documentation faxed to the company, did my grocery shopping, and returned home with a feeling of accomplishment. Now to see what the credit card company says in response. 

I even had enough time to make new sugar water for 
my hummingbird feeder. I think I might have spotted 
one whizzing by me too, as I was pulling the feeder 
down to refill it. I should have hummers within a week 
or so, and I'm totally ready for them. 

I barely had any necessary cooking to do yesterday either - a quick 1-1/2 hours of vegetable preparation for my salads and a little more prep work for last night's dinner. My loads of laundry went smoothly, and I was done with all of my chores when I spoke with Aearwen later that afternoon. All in all, I'm pretty darned happy with this Wednesday, and am ready to jump into the pool for my final swim of the week. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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