Monday, April 8, 2024

Totality - Are You Lucky Enough to See the Eclipse?

Happy Totality Day and also Happy Birthday to my Mom who would be 112 years old, if she was still living. Of course, she died long ago, but that doesn't mean I don't think about her often with (mostly) positive thoughts. No relationship in this world is totally black and white. There are grey areas of disagreement and challenge. Some relationships grow stronger during those periods of grey, others break apart completely. The stresses felt by one pairing are going to be experienced by others, with different results. That's because we're all very individual people, and we're all going to react to events differently. 

Today is my Mom's birthday. She's been dead 
for decades, but that doesn't stop me thinking 
about her with great fondness. There certainly 
were times when we butted heads - we're very 
stubborn people. But we truly loved each other 
too, and managed to work things out every time. 
Happy 112th Birthday, Mom! 

Today is also Totality Day for the solar eclipse that's moving across a vast swath of the USA today. Unfortunately, it's looking like clouds will impact the event for much of the Northeastern states area, which will be a total bummer for my friends in that part of the country. Clouds will be a possible problem throughout the path, but that hasn't stopped people from around the world flocking to Texas and Oklahoma and other states along the pathway in hopes of seeing "Totality". The next time the USA will have any total eclipse will be on August 23, 2044, and it will only touch the far northern states of Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. 

This map shows the small strip of totality viewing for 
today's eclipse. Of course, if you include the total area 
where parts of the eclipse will be visible, it takes 
over most of the continental USA. 

DH and I spent yesterday morning in the rain (fortunately a gentle rain, not a pelting down rain), collecting shrubbery, vines and weeks that he had pulled away from the fenceline. Although I set up an appointment to meet with the fence people on Tuesday, I'm going to have to reschedule because DH has a doctor appointment that we were unaware of, and it's one he can't miss and can't easily reschedule. So, I'll be calling the fencing company today to get our on-site look, estimate and quote done later this week instead. Maybe I'll get lucky and he can come by later on Tuesday. I'm hopeful, but I'm also a realist. I'm sure his schedule is tight. 

I thought we had a good time for the appointment with 
the fence guys, but DH ended up with a doctor appointment 
that will make it VERY tight for him to be at the house on 
time. I'll have to get the fence guy rescheduled. 

With the exception of clearing up the fenceline and taking all of the sticks, branches and dead vines to the compost dump, we had a relaxing day. I had ribs in the crockpot for dinner (super yummy), and we only needed to make whatever side dishes we wanted to go along with the meat. I love ribs days - it's so easy to do. Just put the ribs into the crockpot with the different Bar-B-Que sauces, turn it on, and let it cook. It doesn't get a lot easier than that - LOL. 

Up here in the Frozen Northlands, we're getting a 
70%-80% view in the Twin Cities, farther north 
in the state, they're at a 60%-70% vies. Almost all 
of the continental USA will be effected by the eclipse, 
however, so be careful if you're outside and WEAR 
ECLIPSE GLASSES if you're out during the event. 
Better safe than sorry! 

So, I'm heading off to work. I'll try to catch up on some of your posts before leaving the main computer for the day. I hope all of you have a wonderful Eclipse Day, and that if you're in a position to actually see it, PUT ON YOUR SPECIALIZED GLASSES. Don't risk your vision by watching it unprotected. Effects of direct viewing often don't show up for a few days, but are irreversible damage. Be cautious and be kind to yourself. Use proper eye protection. Have an excellent Monday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל.

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