Saturday, March 16, 2024

A Drone and A Book - It Was a Bit of a Crazy Day Off

I bought myself a new toy last week, and had a bit of time yesterday to try and learn how to operate it. It's a little drone - LOL - cute as anything, less than $40 total, so inexpensive enough that if I can't learn to operate it, or if it won't do what I want it to do, I won't feel guilt giving it to my next door neighbor's kids, or simply tossing it. 

It's a cute little drone, and it probably will do exactly 
what I want it to do, I just have to play with it a bit 
more to understand how the software is set up. I did 
take it outside to fly it a bit yesterday, and it flies nicely. 
I ordered more batteries from Amazon too, since each 
battery only lasts for about 10 minutes of flying time, 
and my drone only had a single battery. 

It's Chinese, of course, which means instructions are minimal, at best. Although I managed to get it to fly, and learned how to avoid crashing it, what it's not doing - that I need it to do - is broadcast photographs of what it sees to my phone's camera setting. Digging into the internet for answers, I found a drone dude who uses a lot of them, and he said he had no problem getting the drone to sync with his Apple phone, but when he tried an Android phone, it was crickets - no image at all. I'll continue playing with it when I have some time, but since I bought it because I wanted to take a closer look at the condition of my roof and gutters, if I can't broadcast to my phone to actually see what I need, it's useless hardware for me. It's fun though, although a bit frustrating. 

The Terro Ant Killer DH has been using to get rid 
of our mini ants, seems to be working very well. 
I haven't seen any ants at all over the past two 
days. We'll keep this up for a week or so, and then 
see if that's the end of them for a while. We'll 
have to keep an eye on things, though. Just in case. 

The ants seem to have packed up and left town. We're not seeing any - alive or dead - but we're continuing to put down fresh poison. For those of you who have used Terro Ant Bait in the past, how long should we continue to freshen our bait? I'm thinking 1-2 weeks, but I really have no idea. It does work a treat, though. Within 24 hours, the ants were a short chapter of history. 

I owned this version of Anya Seton's 
book. I'm quite sure it's still a well-worn 
copy in the upstairs library. I read on my 
phone these days - my library is electronic 
and at my fingertips at all times. "Katherine" 
was one of the first e-books I purchased 
because I couldn't imagine not having it t 
hand to read. It's been a decade or more since 
I last read it, but I'm loving it just as much as 
the first time I cracked it open as a teenager. 

I've dived back into a book I've loved since I was a young girl. "Katherine" by Anya Seton, was a book I first read as a teenager. I totally fell in love with the character, as well as how well it was written, piling through all of the author's other books after I finished this one. I purchased a copy of it for myself later, and that copy has seen heavy use ever since. It was one of the first e-books I bought when I purchased my Nook e-reader, and I was out of current books to read, and looking for something when I came across it on my lists. I keep lists of the books I buy, by the year, on my phone. I would totally mess up and purchase things second (or third) times if I didn't have lists. 

What makes the story interesting, isn't so much the romance 
between John of Gaunt and his third wife, Katherine, as much 
as their children - the children became the Tudor line in 
British history, and that was an important line indeed. Katherine 
was a mother of kings for generations to come. 

To return to the focus, however, "Katherine" tells the tale of a young woman, child really, who grows up to be and direct ancestress of the Tudor line of Kings and Queens of England through her second husband, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. She was the sister-in-law of Geoffrey Chaucer, and of course, John of Gaunt was a Plantagenet, a contemporary of Edward III, the Black Prince, and Richard II. It's a fascinating time in the history of England, and I had forgotten how very much I love this book. Picking it back up again after many years is like welcoming an old, dear friend to the door of my house for an extended stay. Just the Best Thing EVER. 

"Books are like people. Some you meet once and that's enough. Some you want to get to know better, and whenever you are with them you discover more about them. Some are old friends you haven't seen in years but to meet them again is a joy."

My mother never re-read books. She never understood why I would ever want to do such a thing. I, on the other hand, re-read books often, if they're good ones. I've read Tolkien's trilogy more than 100 times, and I've probably read "Katherine" at least 50, and "Atlas Shrugged" more than 30. I re-read books that I love because they bring me the same joy re-reading them as they did when I first cracked open their covers. It's like meeting old and dear friends again at a party, instead of getting to know new people whom I've never met before. Old friends are wonderful - in real life and in books. I'll close this now, return to my tea and my book, have breakfast and try to have a productive day at the shop. Too bad I can't fly my drone there - maybe I could resolve the software issue while at work. But no, I'm pretty sure I'll be far too busy with computer work to spend any time playing with my drone - LOL. Have an excellent Saturday and weekend, I'll be back on Monday morning. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל.

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