Tuesday, February 27, 2024

It's Warm - Record Setting Warm Here in the "Frozen Northlands"

Today we'll see a return of snow - not a lot, and not for a long time, but snow. I'm not sure any of us will recognize it after the winter that we've had.  It's been the warmest winter since we started keeping weather records, and that's a long time (for the USA, at least). We'll get snow this afternoon, however. My open areas of timid new growth may regret their early awakening. We won't get a lot of snow today, tomorrow will stay below freezing, but on Thursday we'll be back in the warm temps once again, and anything we get over these next two days will probably be melted before the weekend. It's the weirdest winter EVER, and we're setting weather records all over the place. 

One of my swimming buddies is over the moon about 
being able to golf throughout the winter. Courses that 
normally wouldn't be open until April or May, have been 
open since January. It's a freaky winter - the warmest 
winter on record for my state. 

The visit to the Orthodontist yesterday was all good. I no longer have to wear my cross band on my front teeth (it was only worn overnight - so no impact when speaking to customers. Now I get to dump the daytime wearing of my side bands also! I wear them at night only. DH is overjoyed. He had a really hard time understanding me when I was wearing them, so now he doesn't have that excuse any more - LOL. 

I still have to wear my side triangle bands 
overnight, but only overnight. I can take them 
off during the day and have no bands on at 
all. That's AMAZING and makes me VERY '
happy. We're looking at an end of Summer/early 
Fall removal of the hardware. Outstanding! 

I contacted the people regarding their repairs. GG came in almost right away to get her two necklaces picked up. She was absolutely delighted. She's off to Paris today to spend some time with one of their kids, and she might pack one or both of the necklaces along with her for the journey. It was a fun repair - easy, as repairs go, which is always appreciated. 

So, apparently I'm batting 50% on my repairs this time. 
In baseball, that would be a great percentage. For repairs, 
that's pretty awful. One person loved the repair and happily 
paid what I billed. The second person apparently mis-
understood Chickie's quoting my hourly rate, lives on 
a fixed income, and can't afford to pay for the repair. 
I'm willing to negotiate, but I can only go so far down 
before I will inherit a pot holder I really don't want. 

The lady with the beaded pot holder, however, lives on a limited income and apparently understood Chickie to say that her repair would be $20, not $20/hour. That's a problem, because even with my subtracting a LOT of my time off the repair, I still need to charge her for 5 hours of work. We'll see, but I may have inherited a beaded potholder from the 1950's-early 1960's. *sigh* I'm quite sure she would be much happier with it than I would be. I emailed her back to find out what would be "affordable" for her and we'll see. 

Right in the middle of that dark red patch? That's 
where we are, and the winter we're experiencing 
is going down into the record books as the warmest 
winter we'ver EVER had here in the Frozen 
Northlands of Minnesota! 

So, I'm off to the pool in our "warm"" temps, not looking forward to our approximately one inch of snow later today. Still ... one inch in a winter of green? I can totally live with that even if I do have to shovel and scrape off my car before heading home tonight. Have an excellent Tuesday, I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל.

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