Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Deal on My State Fair Tickets and A Topsy-Turvey Schedule Because of Thanksgiving

It's crunch time - the clock is running fast. Our annual After-Thanksgiving 2-Day Sale starts on Friday, and then we're totally into Holiday mode - my favorite and least favorite time of the year. Maybe I'll love the holidays once more after I'm not working retail, but right now, it's a definite love/hate relationship. I rely on the customers and their dollars over the Holiday season, but I dislike working the extra hours and days, and I get totally blown out by January 1st. 

The MN State Fair doesn't take place until the end of August, 
beginning of September. Why am I thinking about it so 
early? Well, getting a good deal on the admission tickets 
is one good reason, and the fact that I'm addicted to the 
State Fair is another - LOL. 

Chickie texted me yesterday - the MN State Fair had a one-day early ticket blow-out opportunity - the first time the 2024 tickets were available for sale, and at a great price. The page loaded at midnight, and I had my nine tickets purchased by 3:00 am. I'm totally set for the 2023 State Fair now, so Sharon ... start looking for good flights out - LOL. 

Generally, especially if you catch them early in 
the morning, the staff at the MN Department of 
Revenue are very pleasant and happy to help. 
It should be a relatively easy fix, I just need 
to know how to go about it. 

I need to contact the MN Department of Revenue when I get into the shop today. My brain was dead when I paid the sales tax for last month, and I paid it on ALL sales instead of just the taxable sales. That's a serious OOPS, and I'll need to file an amended return. I've never had to do that before, so I'll call them first thing this morning (they open at 7:30 am) and have them talk me through it. DH couldn't figure out why the amount was higher, and I missed that little detail completely. That's why he's the finance guy. But then he got all upset and angry - it was a simple mistake and could have happened to anyone. Well, I'll get it cleared up before we open today, and hopefully things will go smoothly from then on. 

NOT my grocery store, but rather typical of the end sections 
at any grocery store at this time of the year. Turkey is the 
#1 meat of choice on Thanksgiving, followed by ham. For 
Easter, it's reversed. We don't do an Easter ham (I don't 
think we do any specific meal for Easter Sunday), but we 
do always have a turkey for Thanksgiving. My bird is 
taking up a LOT of my refrigerator space, but only for 
a couple more days. 

I won't be posting on Thursday, but I will be grocery shopping on Wednesday (as usual), unfortunately. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day is usually a nightmare shopping day for groceries, but I have things like salad that absolutely can't be purchased too far ahead of time. Lettuce doesn't have a long shelf life. I think I'll be OK on Ogre Juice. Since I have to work on Friday this week, I made extra so I should be set (crossing my fingers). 

I shifted my schedule a bit and went to the pool yesterday. 
I'm ready to hit the water again in an hour or so right now, 
and I'll swim tomorrow. At least I'll get my three days in 
the water, despite the holiday and my lack of a second 
day off this week. 

Chickie has today off because she worked on her day off last week while I was dealing with computer issues. So it's DH and I again today - never the smoothest arrangement, but the only choice we have with a three-person staff. When one person needs time off, the other two pitch in. I hope all of you have a terrific day, and I totally plan on being back to chat again tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל.

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