Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Boundaries and Halloween - Good Thoughts for Good Friends

Happy Halloween all, and Good Samhain. The borders between the past, present and future blur today and tonight. Ghosts of the past and spirits of the future can visit more easily, they can watch, learn and guide you today with greater ease than almost any other time of the year. It's a day to remember your ancestors, and teach respect for them to your children. It's a day to learn from the past, although we, as a species, seem unable to do that effectively. 

I was looking for photos of blurring borders, but came 
across this one and thought - "It might not meet the 
exact definition, but I love it, so I'll use it." I suspect 
the blurred borders are a bit distant in this, but isn't 
it a wonderful sculpture? It's located at the McNay 
Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas USA. They have a 
Tim Burton exhibit on now that I would simply LOVE 
to see, but they're nowhere near me at all. 

Despite the date and the blurring of worlds, our world continues onward - contentiously moving ahead in war and bloodshed, despite the lessons learned over millennia. You'd think we would learn that might does not equal right, that the poor deserve a hand up, not a hand extended in derision or condescension, and that all sentient people deserve to be heard (although hearing someone doesn't mean you have to follow their pathways). 

Listen to your heart, not always your mind. When 
the two are at odds with each other, weigh the 
advice from each carefully. Often it is the heart 
that is correct for your course of action, rather 
than your mind. 

But today, try to take some time to think over your past. Take time to think of your ancestors and what it took for you to be here, now, in the place you are and with the people you share your life with. Look at your personal history with a non-judgmental eye. You made the choices you did, good or bad, and those choices helped to make you the wonderful person that you are today. Don't celebrate the poor choices, but don't ignore them either. Those poor choices also helped to shape the remarkable person you are today. 

Everyone have a good and safe Halloween, whether you 
celebrate in the new way of gathering treats from door 
to door, attend a party, or merely meditate on the spirits 
that will visit on All Soul's Day to follow, it is a day 
to be acknowledged and celebrated as you see best. 

Tonight set out food for the spirits and light candles to welcome them. If you're in the USA and answering your door to trick-or-treaters, give positive comments to each person along with their candy or treat. Help everyone coming to your door to feel happy they rang your doorbell. Good Samhain to all, and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל.

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