Wednesday, May 31, 2023

How Was Your May? Today Is The Last Day So Wrap Things Up Before June

So here it is, the last day of May. Another month wraps up and it's a good time to look back at the first few months of this year and reassess. How has your year been going? Are you on track to meet (or exceed) any personal goals you might have set for yourself? Or maybe you'd prefer a "do-over" instead? Well, you can't get the do-over, but you can take advantage of a brand new month beginning tomorrow. 

It's the last day of May today. Tie up your loose 
ends and start strong and new tomorrow. Don't 
worry about unfinished tasks, just understand 
that some things aren't meant to be completed 
quickly, just complete them within the fullness 
of your own time, to the best of your ability. 

A new month offers new possibilities. It will be a chance to clean that room you had planned on for May but just didn't get to. A chance to weed that part of the garden that you kept putting off. A chance to tell those you love how much you care for them - something that should be on your agenda all of the time in any case, but that sometimes gets forgotten. 

We should have some blooming lillies within two-three 
weeks. They've grown up tall, and are almost at their 
terminus and ready to put up buds. 

It will be a new opportunity to admire whatever weather and opportunities Mother Nature throws at you. Here, we'll have hot weather, some thunderstorms (some of which may be severe), maybe a tornado or few, and some hot days. We'll help our next door neighbors celebrate the High School graduation of their oldest child, and wish her well as she leaves the nest for a college in a different state. We'll watch our garden blossom into a riot of colors and shapes. Our lillies should bud and bloom in June, and our other plants, which were new little things not too long ago, will spread, grow and feature a riot of colors to attract the bees and hummingbirds. 

Our hummingbirds have definitely returned and are using 
the feeder. It's a lot of fun to sit outside and watch the 
little guys swoop in for a quick drink, then swoop back 
out again. Remarkable birds. 

Our hummingbirds will continue to come to our feeder. We've had hummers coming by now for approximately thee weeks. I checked with my oldest niece, and her hummers have been on the same basic schedule, so I chose properly when I put out my feeder. They've found it, and they flit in and out all the time while we're sitting on the patio, enjoying our Sundays. 

June is one month where we have no expectations. There is a holiday - Father's Day - but our fathers are long dead, and we don't have children, so that holiday passes us by. We can relax until the 4th of July, when the summer kicks into high gear and schedules will start to compress. 

My plans to attend my family reunion are undergoing 
revision in my head. It's just at a rotten time of the 
year, in a city that, although exciting, isn't really one I 
want to visit again, and I'll be compressed for time, so 
can't do the extra East Coast things I wanted to do. 
I'm probably going to pass on this yet again. Maybe we'll 
have another one in 2028. If so, I'll deal with it then. 

As for the family reuinion? I've pretty much given up on that one. Markus is staying at the Hotel St James, a block or so off from Times Square. I've never had a desire to see Times Square, although I've been to New York several times. I didn't check the room rates, but I'm sure it's up there - it's central NYC. But when it gets down to it, I just don't have the time, the money, or the time. Oh, did I mention the time? I have no idea if there will be another reunion in 2028, and I'm sure it will be in Europe again, not the USA, but I'll consider it then. Not now. 

On that note, I need to get moving. It's a "day off" for me, so busy, busy, busy. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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