Friday, June 18, 2021

A Crafty Post, Cleaning and the MN State Fair

I was successful at getting everything tumble-polished yesterday, although I was a bit of an idiot and didn't put pipe cleaners through the holes of two items, leading to the stainless steel shot getting caught in the interiors. It took a bit of working with some sharp tools to get all of the intruders out from the cavities, but eventually I was successful. The two cords I had to un-knot were toast (unfortunately), so the final thing I did before leaving work was cutting a five-root length of a waxed cord so that I can replace the old cords with new ones today. 

This is a four-stick "Oho de Dios" that my 
hubby made as a gift for his mother 30 or 
more years ago. She had it hanging in the 
kitchen where she could see it every day. 
It's quite three-dimensional and very 
detailed. DH is quite talented with cording 
and yarns. 

My LJ friend CuriousWombat had posted a small craft the kids had done on Sunday using crossed sticks and yarn. I remember that technique as a common one in the Southwest US, called "Ojo de Dio" or "Eye of God", and mentioned that my husband used to make quite complex ones. She was curious to see an example of his work, so I found one that he had made for his mother - we reclaimed it when his father passed and we were packing up their house. I took it from our storage room and took a quick photo of it to share. 

My macrame owl hangs on 
the wall at the entry to our den 
on the lower level of the house. 
It might be old fashioned, but 
I adore it. I've collected owls 
throughout my life and he's 
a welcome part of the collection. 

Hubby is quite talented with cording, leather and string. I'm sure all of you remember Macrame - a knotted string technique practiced heavily in the 1960's and 1970's. I have either two or three large plant hangers at the shop that DH made, and of course I have the requisite Owl, because he made me one early in our lives together, as a gift. It might be old-fashioned, but I still love it. 

Do you see the rainbow? It was wonderful watching the 
rainbow appear and disappear with each arc of the 
sprinkler. Like a little gift of sunshine and water 
that would make the grass and plants even happier. 
The plant in the foreground is one of my potted tomatoes, 
the hanging pots on the right are strawberry plants. 

On Wednesday, as I was chatting with Aearwen for our weekly catch-up, I had turned on the sprinkler in the side yard. As it moved through the arc, I could see rainbows in the droplets, Can you see my rainbow in the photo above? It made a wonderful hour chatting with a friend even more special. 

If this pin is available from the State Fair 
booth when we get to the Fair, I'm 
buying it. Apparently the pin dates from 
the 2020 Fair - the one that was 
cancelled. I love it. The two State Fair 
mascots - Fairchild and Fairborne - are 
hugging the state. In case you're 
wondering, they are gophers - 
we are the "Gopher State" a nickname 
given to the 13--lined ground squirrel 
and made popular in 1858. 

And on a final note, Sharon got her airplane reservations for her September trip so I immediately went onto the MN State Fair website to purchase and print out our State Fair Tickets. We're ready to go, even though we're only in the beginning of the summer now, and that occurs at the end of the summer. Now I'm looking at my house - overly cluttered as usual - and thinking "Two months is not nearly enough time to get this place knocked back into shape". But I've got to try. Today I tackle the floors of the bathrooms which need a good, thorough scrubbing. 

Have an excellent day, be kind, stay safe, and I'll be back tomorrow. At least, that's the plan - LOL. 

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