Saturday, November 28, 2020

Perseverance and Small Business Saturday

Although we have had Black Friday sales where we've been run ragged, yesterday was slower paced and even had some down time. We did sell a lot of beads and had a lot of happy customers, but our numbers were down from prior years. We had a good sales day, but it won't go down into the record books. 

We were missing a few of our long-time regular 
customers, who NEVER missed a sale. It's got me 
worried about them - how they're doing, if they're 
sick, or maybe they just couldn't sneak away from 
home to go bead shopping. 

I think the pandemic still has people shy of going outside of their homes except for absolute necessity. Some people are also under quarantine for various reasons. In fact, we did have a quick phone order for pickup from someone who was quarantined and whose aunt picked the shipment up for them late in the day. 

Please, if you go out shopping today, support your 
local small businesses. They've had it hard this year 
and need the business and positive feedback. 

So it was an odd Black Friday sale, but today we forge ahead to our Small Business Saturday sale featuring strung and sparkling beads. That usually is a smaller sale for us, but a bit more labor intensive in some ways for the staff. The lighting in some of the stock aisles is poor, so finding the products quickly and efficiently can be difficult. Lighting has always been a problem in the store - we have 12-foot ceilings and getting up the ladder to change bulbs, or change ballasts, is quite challenging. 

It's been a year to hand in there and persevere. Many 
of the small businesses around you might well be 
closed by this time next year. Choose which ones 
you want to survive and patronize them. Help them 
keep their doors open. 

But we will persevere and get through today, and then we'll have a relaxed Sunday, because it's been a LONG week. I can re-focus on my holiday cards, and if everything works out properly, I can address envelopes within the next week and start sending them on their way around the world. The mailing list has been finalized, and I have just a few minor finishing touches to put onto the cards. 

Have an excellent Saturday and Sunday. I'll be back on Monday, and please ... be kind, stay safe, and please wear your mask. 

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