Friday, November 8, 2019

Growl and BRRR and Hugs For A Friend

My Ranger Distress Inks seem to be hiding extremely well. I had asked DH to keep an eye out while he was working in the craft room yesterday, but he thought he was looking for bottles, not the small metal trays I have them stored in. By the time we got the container straightened out, he said he had indeed seen them, but couldn't remember exactly which bin they were in. They're small, and basically he ended up in the same problem I had - seen them but can't find them a second time. 

I enjoy using Ranger Distress Ink pads. Their light coloration allows
for some really fun blending. 

I went down to the craft room early this morning to take a quick look in the one bin that was more likely to have the inks, and every bin has a "No" sticker on it, yet both DH and I are sure we came across the darned things in one of them. *sigh* Finding my inks, which is REALLY important, will be more of a hunt than I really wanted. But I'll have to buckle down and search. I need the colors. 

Although I think I liked my first fitness tracker
better, this is my new replacement. The
Letscom Fitness Tracker was a little bit
less expensive. The screen is B/W only,
and it is a different company - EXCEPT,
it really seems that almost all of these
trackers actually come from the same
manufacturer. Se we'll see how this one lasts. 

I got my new fitness tracker yesterday. I guess I had decided to go lower key than the fancy one I thought I had ordered. I'm actually just fine with it, but it's only for walking, running and biking. Still, that's 90%+ of what I do, and it's still waterproof. There are two things it doesn't have that my previous tracker did - it doesn't have a color screen, and it doesn't measure blood pressure. Since the blood pressure was never accurate, I can live with black and white. I'm just happy to have a band around my wrist once again. I missed it. Today will be the first day on the running track with it, as well as the first time to shower with it. Time to break it in. 

I just love this picture of my friend "Poo" and her
hubby Jim. They actually made a really good
couple, and were together for many years before
making it a legal marriage. He was a Vietnam
veteran and she used to work for the City of
San Jose. I know she's going to miss him a lot. 

A dear long-time friend of mine's husband passed away earlier this week. She's going to miss him a lot, and it's not going to be easy for her - being on her own after so many years. He was a veteran and many of his physical problems had been exacerbated by his time in Vietnam. He was a binge on-line buyer, a bit of a hoarder, and also had left no insurance. It's going to be tough for her, but I'm hoping he left something she can resell to fill that money gap. I have no idea about any spousal veterans benefits, but if there is such a thing, I hope she can get some help there too. 

We've had our first snows, although they haven't stayed on
the ground for long. Still, it's biting cold right now and it's
about a month too early for these temps. I'm going to
be bundling up to head for the gym. BRRRR!

On that note, I'm bundling up. Once again it's unseasonably cold out there and it'll be a cold wait while standing outside the gym doors in less than an hour. Eventually I'll be sweating as I work out, but right now it just looks like a cold time in the old town today. Have a great Friday and I'll be back tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Pam said...

Thank you, Sandi for posting that picture. I had forgotten about it.