Monday, September 30, 2019

The Wedding Reception Was Fun

The wedding reception was really fun. I was a bit hesitant about wearing my painted coat, had thought I might be too hot. I actually was cold for much of the evening. The celebration was held in the warehouse of the brewery with several large brewing vats along one side and empty cans and bottles stacked on palettes up to the ceiling on the other. Picnic-style tables and benches were set up for the guests and a large open space was available for dancing and for the kids to play in (there were a LOT of kids). At the back of the warehouse, the loading door was rolled opening onto the back tarmac where a food truck serving four varieties of "gourmet" macaroni and cheese awaited the wedding celebrants. Each person attending could have a mac and cheese of their choice and one beverage of their choice and then help themselves to the wall of donuts. Small burlap bags of chocolates were on the tables as table favors. 

Apparently a wall of donuts is a popular wedding thing
these days. Why knew? I enjoyed it. With as many people
as they had and the many kids who were attending, it
managed to please everyone. They had a LOT of donuts
and it was a very popular stop-over after the mac-and-cheese. 

It was noisy and crowded and a happy time for everyone. They had a DJ who managed to do very well for the traditional dances of bride and groom, bride and bride's father, and groom with groom's mother, and then played a nice mix of older popular tunes with a light show along the concrete floor that fascinated the children in the crowd. I had a chance to catch up with some of my favorite people - five of my six nieces and nephews and their respective spouses (one nephew was unable to attend). I also had a chance to catch up with my sister-in-law who seemed to enjoy the celebration a great deal. I showed my ideas of what I wanted for a scalp tattoo to a lot of family members and it was met with 100% positive "Oh my ... that's BEAUTIFUL, Auntie" praise. The positive responses made my night. 

I was showing the family this henna I had done earlier
in the summer. It's pretty close to what I want for a
permanent tattoo. I got universally positive comments.
The family hadn't seen me since November, when I
just had my head covered in a scarf. This time I was
bald and beautiful. It was a bit of a change for them,
but a good one, I think. 

Sunday was the final day of Renaissance Festival, and we went to sleep Saturday after the wedding, uncertain about whether or not we would attend. When my alarm went off at 6:00 am, I checked the weather. It was 47 degrees out, was only going to increase to 55 degrees and it was supposed to rain on and off throughout the day. I left the decision up to DH, but he decided I could go back to sleep (I desperately needed more sleep), so I did, not awakening until 8:45 am. Instead of being at the Fest, we worked on the house. 

I have one of these, although my handle is red. I had never put
the handle on because I didn't know where it would end up
for a permanent home. Now it has the handle installed and
I'm quite happy. 

We pulled my etching and lapidary supplies from their corner and brought down my five-drawer wheeled tool cabinet to move into that space. After much difficulty we screwed the pull handle onto the drawer unit (we installed it in a much sturdier fashion than the photo above), and found appropriate locations for the items I had to move. All in all, a good day's work. Football was a disappointment for both of our teams, so we called it an early night and a done weekend. Now it's Monday once again and I'm ready to go to the gym. I hope all of you have a wonderful day and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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