Thursday, June 20, 2019

Celebrating the Little Things

Sometimes it's the little things that make life better. Yesterday I indulged. While shopping at the grand emporium named "Target", I added a few things to my cart. Underwear. "Underwear?" you might be asking. "What's so darned enabling about underwear?" 

The first set I ended up with were cotton hipsters
by Hanes. I like the brand - they fit well, they
launder well, and they seem to be able to
take hard wearing through the gym and my
daily life. 

I had a customer in my store within the past week who told me that she went through her closet every six months and if there were items she didn't wear or didn't want any more, she bundled them together and gave them to a few friends who then passed them on farther if the gift wasn't appreciated. She said all of this while pulling her charge card from her Michael Kors handbag. 

I resisted telling her that my closet held items decades old and that I was pretty happy I hadn't gotten rid of old clothing after I lost my weight because I had a ready-made "new" wardrobe available to me without having to spend a ridiculous amount on new clothes. (I guess it's pretty obvious that while I adore fashion, I'm not a clothes-horse and I like to be thrifty.) 

I got five pairs of assorted Auden-brand undies. This is one
of the styles I ended up with. It's rather cute, but still a
bit modest because I am over 60 - reality dictates a bit
of modesty at my age. 

My underwear, however, was looking rather sad, so I determined to find a few new pairs so that I could toss out some of the old. (Used underwear is NEVER passed on, except to the trash. Generosity has its' limits.) After cruising the aisles (and asking for directions to the correct area in the newly remodeled store) I discovered the correct department. I found a sensible, reasonable and comfortable set of six everyday undies, and then found a display of fancy-dancy undies for a great price - $20 for 5 pairs. SCORE! I chose five pairs, bringing my total new undies quantity to eleven. 

After laundry, they now reside in my drawer, happily rolled up for decision-making ease. It seems silly to be so excited about underwear, but having a few new panties made me happy all day yesterday. I guess sometimes it's those little things that are the icing on the cake of life. Have a glorious Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow, just in time for Solstice. Summer is coming! 

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