Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Celebration of Sunrise

So much to do today and so little time. I'll be burning my candles from all ends - front, back and center while I run around to do errands and try to get two repairs finalized. I have the normal "day off" stuff to get done - laundry, housecleaning, grocery shopping - but there's a pile of stuff next to me that also has to be dealt with today. Hmmm ... looking at my clock, I have twelve hours before I talk with Aearwen and start to wrap up my day. That's probably not enough time. 

Sunrise and mountains - two things I love. I'm looking
for beautiful sunrise and mountain photos for you
to enjoy today. 

Time - it's really not our friend in so many ways. There's always something that's left undone at the end of the day. Of course, optimists might look at that undone item as an unspoken guarantee of awakening the next morning. Pessimists might look upon it as one more indication of poor planning, inefficiency, and general malaise. I just look at it as normal - I don't think I'll EVER actually get everything done that I have pending on any day's agenda. 

I love the lighting in this one, the clouds, the reflections below. What
a wonderful and happy way to start the day! 

Highly organized people make lists - "To Do" lists of various complexions. I've always found keeping a list or a journal or similar things to be time I really don't have. My journal is my daily blog - whipping thoughts into organized chaos. My to-do lists often are photos of things I have to remember to purchase when I go shopping. Everything else exists in piles around my workspace. Not very efficient, but when dealing with a physical reality, not a writing task, the "everything else" actually takes up physical space. 

I'd probably call these mountains a bit closer to hills, but it's
still a wonderful and celebratory sunrise to share with you. 

Thus, around my desk today are two beading repairs that HAVE to be wrapped up, a pile of cyber-notifications that have to be dealt with, and some photography and product scan experiments that I have to try out today to move forward with the latest major project for the shop. It'll be a cold and busy day for me today. 

Here's hoping your Wednesday turns out to be spectacular. Stay happy, stay cozy, and spread love. I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully feeling much more accomplished. 

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