Saturday, October 20, 2018

Moving Toward My Happy Place

I started out with an extra 30 minutes of time this morning because I awakened early. That disappeared when I saw a listing by Keiless about a new story she had posted (at least a new chapter to a story I hadn't read). As usual, I got caught up in her words and characterization. Great fun - a wonderful read - and (darn it all), now I'm running tight on time. Destiny, so to speak. 

My nose is always in a book. Reading is almost more important
to me than anything else. 

We're fully into another schizophrenic season right now. Autumn in the Frozen Northlands is as changeable as watching a bird fly from one tree to another and then back again. It's dizzying. Yesterday started in the 40's and got into the 60's by the time I left work. Today we're starting in the 40's again, but dropping down into the mid-thirties and crouching closely to the borders of snowfall. Tomorrow we'll start below freezing but warm into the 50's. It won't be as comfortable as other times when we've gone to the rock show, but I don't think we'll have snow this time and the sun should be out which will help too. 

It's a windy, cool, autumn day today. I expect with the wind I hear
howling outside, most of the remainder of the leaves will
be off the trees by the end of the day. 

Fall, however, is progressing without stopping for us to enjoy each and every day. Where I park at work features a tree in front of my parking space. It's been deluging me with golden leaves for the past week, but yesterday when I parked, I noted that the tree seems quite barren and lacy now. It might be the end of digging leaves from my front window well, and time to grab my window and car clearing gear from the storage room and put them into my car. Despite the Game of Thrones reference, it's indisputable - Winter Is Coming! 

What a lovely photo of falling autumn leaves. Our trees will
look like this soon. There are still green trees out there - some
of the oaks hang on a long time - but many of our trees are
already bare, ready for their long winter sleep. 

Still, the pool is there every morning, my friends still greet me as we're waiting outdoors in the weather of the day for the gym doors to be unlocked, and life progresses. I got the initial image onto the first 15 of my cards yesterday and I'm VERY happy.These will be a lot of fun to make and to send. I'm still uncertain about whether I'll include anything extra in the envelopes, but the project is finally underway. I'm totally doing the happy dance. 

Just doing the happy dance. I'll be cold, I'll be blown from
one side to the other today, but it's OK. Things are underway
and I'm getting things done. I'm creating again and that's
my happy space. 

Time to get my act together and get moving. Fall Harvest Festival is on again in LOTRO, so who knows - I may pass some of you in costume as I travel to pick up Tricks and Treats from doormats in Falathorn. Enjoy your day, have an excellent weekend, and I'll be back on Monday morning. 

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