Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Clean-up - My Least Favorite Thing

Thanks for all of the input about air conditioning options. I think we'll probably look into replacing the full-house units we've got with something more energy efficient and environmentally friendly within the next few years. Once we're away from the shop, retired, and have to live at home without A/C, having some cooling might become more important. We do, however, live in the Frozen Northlands. Heat is WAY more important than cool around here - LOL. I will take a closer look at the room units that were recommended in your comments. There usually aren't more than about 14 days through the summer that become totally unbearable, though, so I'm not sure it's worth the trouble and the cost for that short of a time. 

I could use a house elf or two, but only to cook
and clean. I'm pretty low maintenance, but I
hate spending my all-too-short free time cleaning
when I could be doing something more enjoyable. 

My desk is starting to pile up with projects, things I want to examine further when I have more time, and miscellaneous things that need to get put back into their assigned places. If I don't keep up on minor projects like this, I clutter quickly. I've always envied people who can manage to handle and/or replace things where they should be without really thinking twice about it. I always have the right intention but never have enough time. My Mom was excellent at project clean-up. I guess I just didn't pay attention when she was teaching that part to me. *sigh*

There's something really satisfying about completing a
project. Sometimes, though, the completion also
requires putting away all of the components that
were used. That's the part I don't like as much. 

I am progressing on projects at the shop and personal projects, though. I'm actually feeling pretty positive about where I'm at with my latest creative project, and I'm almost finished with a rather major project for the shop. Of course, at the shop there are always more things chomping at the bit, so I'll finish this project up today or Thursday, then dive right into the next one. No rest for the wicked (or the good, for that matter LOL). 

I love this definition of Focus. We tend to think of
focus often, but rarely break it down like this. 

I'm optimistic, though - at least today. We'll see how my mood is tomorrow. I suspect that, like many of you, what I accomplish in any given day does depend upon my general mood and ability to focus and just get the job done. It works that way in the work world, but I find that it also passes over into the non-work items of my life. 

So here's to Tuesday. I hope you have a productive and joy-filled day, and that when you look over your accomplishments tonight before you go to sleep, that you're happy with how your day went. *Hugs* to all! 

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