Thursday, April 19, 2018

Meandering Down A Road Avoiding Crocodiles

So, my friends aren't crazy about my snowfall totals? Or where I live? LOL I can't really say that I blame any of you when I post a chart like yesterday's list of snowfalls. But I assure you that as inconvenient as those snowfalls are, when you live with them and know how to deal with them, they are an inconvenience, but one that is transitory. 

Sledding down a hull is only possible on snow or sand. Don't
have a snow area around you? Try it on a sand dune. Equally
fun, but a lot harsher if you fall off. 

Yesterday's "day off" was actually very busy and somewhat successful. At the urging of several people we had spoken to over the past week or so, I enrolled us into LifeLock - a personal security guard service. Although one avenue offered us a discount on the service, we actually get it at no charge through the fact that I'm a dinosaur and still use AOL extensively, paying a monthly fee to them. LifeLock is one of several N/C benefits for those of us who stick with AOL. 

It's nice to have the service as a no-charge option
for us. It'll take me a bit to set up properly, but
I think it will be a good choice. 

I happen to really like AOL in most aspects. Maybe it's because I've been using their portal since the late 1990's or maybe it's just because I can't stand the alternatives - Gmail, Outlook, etc. Yes, there are things I don't like about each and every incarnation of AOL, but there are things I don't like about other programs too when they go through updates. I learn to work around. 

I'd change paths if this guy was sunning on my
pathway, wouldn't you? 

That's how we learn - we learn by having to find new pathways through the river to avoid the crocodile who decided the former pathway was the perfect place to lurk. We learn by testing our boundaries while growing up - how awful can I be before I'm banished to my room? Why can't I paint on the wall? Oops - bouncing the ball off that wall will cause it to go into the street. 

Think eugenics only happens other places? Check your history. It
was part of US governmental policy for much of the last century. 

We learn good and bad behaviors because of feedback and repetition. Are there people out there who are bad from birth? I don't know, and I really hope not. It's that fear of the bad taking over the good, or the desire to cull that "bad" from society that leads us down the path of eugenics, and that's a word that resonates with fear. And it should. Eugenics was (and probably still is in some parts of the world) a real, governmental program for 'racial purity' and genetic manipulation. It dates down to the long-ago when Gog said "No. We won't join with the people from that valley. They're bad people." He turned his back, led his people elsewhere, and killed any interlopers. 

So, since I really don't want to walk down a negative road today, I'll cut this off here. Wishing all of you wonderful experiences for today. Try bouncing that ball off an angled wall, just for the fun of it. Happy Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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