Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Did You Celebrate Yesterday?

Yesterday was the first day of Spring - the Vernal Equinox. Did you celebrate? Was the day a lovely one in your part of the world? I was busy - lots of customers to help that kept me going most of the day, and then pounding out yesterday's story "Stone Faith for the Future", what I had planned to be short and sweet and what ended up growing into a definite short story instead of a ficlet. Oh well. I finally got it edited and posted late last night so I'm still on track. Today's prompt is "Foresight", and that will be difficult. But I'll figure something out because I have to.

Just look at this tiny mouse in the flowers! Too cute! What a lovely
way to celebrate the new season. 

Spring up here in the Frozen Northlands often is accompanied by snow, but we're almost snow-free and our temps have been fabulous. It's currently 4:00 am and 39 F degrees! I can totally live with this. Call me happy! DH is ticked, though, because he's let his weight loss slide and is more than ten pounds up from where he wants to be. He has my sympathy, but everything I suggest to him he shoots down as something he either doesn't want to do or "can't" do. So he's on his own.

Spring has sprung here in the Frozen Northlands. It's a wonderful
thing to see. We could still get some snow, but if we do it will
be gone quickly because our deep low temperatures are gone
for the season. We still won't plant a lot until the end of May, though. 

Tomorrow is our personal income tax appointment late at night so I'll be scurrying and printing out numerous things to make sure I have everything Paul will need as far as information and paperwork goes. I usually end up forgetting something and dropping it by his office on Thursday or Friday morning, but it would be really nice if I actually had my act together for a change - LOL. Nice dream, yeah?

Most of our Garden Centers have closed down, but this sign still
made me chuckle. I may not be buying plants yet, but soon DH
will be able to buy the last of the stones he needed and he'll get
back to work on the castle. Maybe that will make him happier and
get his extra weight back off. 

So as you step into your second day of the new season (and I'm making sure to wish a Happy Autumn to my friends in the Southern Hemisphere, too), I'm enjoying the possibilities ahead of me. Have a totally excellent Tuesday and Enjoy Your Day!

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