Monday, April 18, 2016

Sunday Was a Busy Day

DH and I spent Sunday getting our house back. It's been almost a year since our remodel started with replacing carpeting so worn that the flooring below was visible in many places. After the carpeting we got the new kitchen flooring and then we started looking for wall coverings for the main level and upstairs hallway.

The kitchen laminate is similar to this, although a
bit brighter in tone. But it's a stone-look laminate and
I really love the look. 

Since we didn't want to move things twice, a lot of the items we had moved for the carpet installation just stayed in the dining room for temporary storage. I never dreamed it would take us almost nine months to decide on the wallpapers to buy and get them installed!

But finally everything is complete and yesterday I started cleaning early, vacuuming thoroughly before moving the furniture back into position. We rehung most of the artwork we had removed, leaving off two pictures - one that I need to repair, the other that we're still unsure about returning to its previous location. After that was complete, I carefully washed my hanging dragon lamp and began the long process of washing and reassembling my dragon shelves.

The dragons overlook the living room from a bank of glass shelving that stretches the length of a six-foot opening and extends upward three feet. Each panel of glass had to be washed and bolted back into position. Three hours later the assembly was complete and the dragons could be replaced. After another hour, they are finally back on display and happy to be on clean shelving once more.

The final item on our agenda was to return our upright curio cabinet back to its home. I was really pushing for us to put it in a different location, but DH insisted and now that it's back in position and the items are back in it, it does look good.

Today is the first day in months where remodeling hasn't been one of the top items on my agenda. It's almost like starting a new life in a new home, and it's wonderful! Happy Monday to all!

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