Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Still No Time ...

I'm skipping the gym today because time is not my friend. The carpet installers will be here for day 2 at 8:00 am and I have a ton of stuff to cram into the hours of 6:00 am -8:00 am. The main living area is finished and I'm thrilled. DH thinks it's rather stark and is hoping that the drape and wall covering will help liven it up a bit. I'm delighted, though, and think that the laminate (that's Thursday's install) will also help.

From head to toe, she's been a symbol of freedom since
she arrived from France 130 years ago. 

Have a great Thursday, and Happy Birthday to the Statue of Liberty. She's one image who means freedom to so many immigrants arriving at our shores, including my own parents in their time.

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