Sunday didn't turn out as expected. I wasn't able to write anything (bummer). But DH and I had a nice breakfast, his football team won (mine lost - boo hoo), and we cleaned the kitchen eating area. It really needed it and we accomplished a lot. Next weekend we'll be raking leaves, so I hope the weather will be warm.
My story has a performance of Saint Saens fabulous organ Symphone No 3 in it. I was listening to it this morning while typing. |
I did finish the neckstrap of my beading projects, though. And I did get more than 2000 words done this morning, so I'm feeling happier about where I'm at right now. I suspect that a great deal of what I wrote will end up deleted when I edit, but that's not unexpected. It's the way I write.
I ended up ordering a Toshiba Satellite laptop. They threw in a 1TB hard drive and an 8GB memory and I was able to swing the programs I needed. It won't have my Photoshop on it until I get more funds, but it will be able to do my editing and writing projects as well as other tasks. I'm pretty happy with it. |
Being utterly frustrated with my inability to get my laptop to do much of anything anymore, I checked my finances and ordered a new Toshiba which I should have by mid-month. It's not everything I wanted in a new laptop, but it's really not bad. Once I have that, I can get rid of a bunch of crap from my old laptop and just keep it for working on my website (if I can ever get access to that again).
I'm working on the contemporary portion of my novel this year. My main character in this part is a musician attending the Aspen Music School. It's been upgraded quite a bit since I first roamed these grounds, but it's a totally magic place. |
Have a great Monday.
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