Thursday, November 6, 2014

Too Much Writing, Too Little Time

I totally immersed myself in my NaNo this morning, thus are running about 20 minutes late for this blog. Let's see if I can do this in record time.

Yippee! I now have WiFi at home, something I've actually wanted
for a couple of years but was hesitant to actually implement. 

The only thing of import that happened (besides getting my word count to more than 11,000 this morning) was the successfully installation and tweaking of my new wireless router/modem. I'm delighted. I now have WiFi in my home for all of our secondary devices and my main computers are still hard-wired to the modem, which is my preference. I named my network STUBBORN because that's how I have to be more often than not. It seems to be working great, so I'm very pleased.

There are still some things I want to do to increase my security on the
WiFi, but I made a very good start on it yesterday. Now to fine-tune it all...

Yesterday was a bit trashed because of the modem installation, though. I had wanted to be up to 10,500 words by the end of the day but was 1000 below that because of two hours getting the modem set up, recognized, authenticated and initialized by Comcast, and then figuring out how to set up the security on the modem so that I had a locked and private network. But I'm proud of myself nonetheless. I even managed to get some good beading done while talking with Aearwen in the afternoon.

Have a Happy Birthday, Chickie!

Today is Chickie's birthday and I'm joining other friends of hers for a birthday dinner at a Minneapolis Mexican restaurant. I'm really looking forward to it. Their food is wonderful. Have a great Thursday, everyone.

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