Saturday, November 8, 2014

Small Detours

As I write, I find myself having to take small research detours which dig into my time. Today's was double-checking a city map for the town where the characters were interacting. I needed to remind my own memories of reality, true distance, and some landmark names. I knew all of this because I'm very familiar with the location, having grown up there, but childhood memories can be fuzzy. So I had to take time away from my story to make sure my story was accurate. Thus - I'm behind time again and slightly behind on word count. I'm 789 words short of my planned schedule, so that's not too bad. I'm keeping up with things on the writing front.

Maps can be amazing tools. Right now I need a map for
my town to be able to make sure I remember things accurately. 

I looked at my beadwork project last night and quite plainly - it sucks. I'm seriously contemplating ripping it apart or making some major changes. Of course, if I do that, I'll miss the deadline. But I'm thinking that turning in a really crappy design would be worse than missing the deadline, so I may attack my project with a razor blade tomorrow morning. There's something so cathartic about destruction, but I have to take a very careful look at whether I'd be making the correct choice or not since I would be undoing at least a week's worth of work on the project, requiring a serious alteration of design and more than likely resulting in another year's missed deadline. *sigh* What to do...what to do.

I'm very disappointed with my beading project. I may well have it
in pieces by the end of the weekend. 

Happy weekend, everyone. I'm going to join Chickie at 7:00 am for a nice birthday breakfast at Twisted Fork before I head in to the shop for another day of work. Enjoy your Saturday and Sunday.

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