I understand that life is a see-saw (which, as I understand it, is no longer a playground toy - deemed too dangerous for today's children to play on). What is it that Heidi Klum says on
Project Runway, "One day you're in, and the next day you're out?" I fully understand that but I don't have to really like it.
Playground swings were my favorite piece of equipment. I would swing for hours, either talking with a friend on the swing next to me, or just thinking. It was the closest to flying I could get and I loved it. |
That's one really good reason why I insulate myself, concentrate on my artwork and my writing, and bury myself reading books and fanfiction. In fact, I would probably spend all of my time within a short distance of my home. But, then again, I want to travel abroad. Travel, however, is usually a lot of interaction between anonymous strangers, rather like playing with other anonymous kids at any playground.
It seems that life is more like a teeter-totter or see-saw. First you're up, and then you're down. These impressive teeter-totters used to be part of the Minneapolis Park system's playground. I'm very impressed by the height the kids could achieve. Getting off one of these without getting hit by the board or falling off the other side would have been a bit more interesting than the shorter and lower see-saws of my youth. |
This morning I received a "Hi, I'm your new sales representative" email from one of my top suppliers - a supplier which I've had some issues with over the past six months and with whom I've been working to get my account back on track since Spring. Now the guy I really liked, (who had listened to me, responded immediately to my emails, and had actually visited my store), is no longer part of the company. This seems to happen again and again *sigh* and it seems like it always happens when I actually like a sales rep (a rare thing). So now it's back to square one.
I loved climbing all over jungle gyms in my childhood days. Apparently this one piece of equipment is responsible for more playground injuries than any other. I'm quite sure I fell off every now and again, but after a few tears, I'd be climbing right up again. |
I think I need to concentrate on things that are more fun than scheduling my NaNo word counts, working on the beading project that's due in three weeks, or gluing crystals onto my Solstice cards. But right now, those things are top in my mind because I know that I have a very limited amount of time to pull these off.
The merry-go-round was one of my favorite rides. I'd run as fast as I could and pull myself up, lie back, and watch the world go around. I enjoyed getting dizzy (still do, for that matter) and the merry-go-round was an easy way to do that. When there were too many people, though, there always seemed to be someone who wanted it moved around slowly instead of fast. Meh. |
Actually, I know what I need. I need a blank calendar with a nice background for my NaNo word count schedule for this year. Does anyone know of a blank November calendar grid that I could layer on a nice picture, or maybe one that's already made that I could grab for my word count numbers?
The playground slides of my youth were a matter of faith. First, you had to trust that you'd arrive safely at the bottom, but you also had to trust that the sun hadn't heated the bed of the slide up to burning temperatures. Spring and fall were the best times for the slides from my childhood. In summer, under a hot sun, you could quite literally burn yourself on the trip down. |
On that note, and with pictures of children playing on playground equipment, I bid you a fond farewell until tomorrow. Have a wonderful Tuesday, all!
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