Friday, October 31, 2014

Good Samhain to All

It's Halloween! Late last night while watching Project Runway All Stars, I decided I would dress up for work today. So I'm sitting here wearing my old Minnesota North Stars jersey and I'll grab my hockey hat that has pins from all of the old pro teams as well as lots of minor league teams. I'll be a hockey fan for the day. It's an easy costume for me to wear and one that I wore for every home game for years and years. My heart was broken when the North Stars were moved to Texas in 1993. *sigh*

My jersey is exactly like this one. I also have a dark sweater that I wear
on occasion. I miss my team. They left in 1993 and the Wild, although
I enjoy watching them, just aren't the same. 

I'll have trick-or-treaters coming by tonight, I always do. Usually I just get college kids from the nearby Christian university, but we have had some younger families move into the area over the past year and many of them have young kids who may also be going door to door. I suspect I won't get a lot of beading done tonight, but I have to try, deadlines wait for no holiday. But at 9:00 pm my lights will be turned off and the door will be shut to the masses.

Here's a great bunch of trick-or-treaters. I love seeing the kids. Today's cold,
though, so coats will be worn and my number of treaters will be down. 

Of course, Samhain also reminds me that NaNo begins tomorrow and I'll be hip deep in writing once again. My laptop will get a workout and, hopefully, will survive the process. I'll be posting my blog, but it will be a more hurried affair. I'll try to keep up with friend's LJ posts via my smartphone app because I miss reading all of your posts. It's a bit harder for me to comment that way, but I'll try.

I read on my phone all the time. It's my main e-reader these days. But
responding to LJ posts with it does take a bit more time than sitting
at a keyboard. Still, carrying all of this in a single hand-held device
is the closest thing to heaven I can think of. My entire library of e-books,
more than 650 of them, at my fingertips, literally. HAPPY! 

I'll just have to remind myself that the sooner I get my 50,000 words down, the sooner my life can return to 'normal'. Of course 'normal' is a relative term. I'm not sure I've truly hit that definition from day one of my life, but I never stop trying to fit in. Square hole, round peg - that's me.

A square peg in a round hole - that's me. I never quite fit in, but
I'm always willing to try. Then I give up and walk my own road
once more. That's my life...LOL. 

So as you celebrate Samhain in your own way, share goodies with kids and varied adults, and watch carefully for ghosts and ghouls, I wish you a Blessed Day and Night and a safe passage through the next 24 hours and year of your lives.

Have a Blessed Samhain as the year continues its cycle. 

Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween to all!

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