Thursday, October 18, 2012

Alaska and Best Laid Plans

First of all, Happy Alaska Day to my friends who live up there.  Our 49th state is an incredibly beautiful and huge tract of land which houses many very independent-minded people.  Those I've met from there are simply amazing people who I've been pleased to spend time with.  Today is the day when Russia transferred ownership of Alaska over to the United States (thank you, Russia!)and we gained Denali National Park, oil and the Iditarod race.  I send waves out to Chris, Kathy and others who I've met over the years who live in this great state.

The Iditarod Race is a phenomenal event pitting
men/women and dogs against an unflinching
environment.  Not familiar with Iditarod?  
Just follow the link in the paragraph above. 

Denali National Park features huge vistas and
Denali peak (often called Mt McKinley).  Like
everything in Alaska, it's big, bold and beautiful.

Alaska was a huge land acquisition and is our
largest state.  If you put it over the continental
US, it covers a lot of territory as you can see above. 

Yesterday's plans started out a bit stumbly.  I picked up Meghan and we headed out for breakfast.  We had no sooner sat down with our coffee and menus than my phone rang.  It was Chickie.  Now, normally she would be calling because she had overslept, but this time she ended up locking her keys inside her apartment, thus was locked out of her home as well as her car.  I have a spare key for her place, but we weren't anywhere close to her.  So Meghan and I had a great breakfast and a chance to catch up a bit, Chickie settled down in her entryway with her Nook and read for an hour or so, and eventually I dropped Meghan at work, retrieved Chickie's key and got that to her, and continued on my merry way for my day off.

I had a productive day, writing one story (time to re-read today before sending it off) and getting a good start on another.  I did my laundry and spent a pleasant hour speaking with Aearwen.  I hunted for imagery to use on my painted shoes and began making decisions and measurements, and I plotted out a daily word count calendar for my November NaNoWriMo schedule.  If I stick to it, no problems.  All in all, I had a really nice day off.  Can I have another?  Please???  Have a fabulous day while I dive back into work *sigh*.

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