Monday, October 15, 2012

Accomplishment and Looking For My Brain...

Sunday started out with DH and I hitting McDonald's for breakfast.  DH loves going there (especially when Monopoly is ongoing) and I can tolerate it.  He had his usual Egg McMuffin and Hotcakes with Coffee, I had a Yogurt Parfait, a Hash Brown and Coffee plus a Sprite.  There's not a lot I can eat for breakfast there without feeling sick for the rest of the day, so yogurt parfait is a safe choice.  It was good.  Then we went on to Target for our monthly shop - restocked on lots of food and standard goods.  And then, while putting things away, we realized that we needed to clean.

To clean?  While putting away groceries?  Actually yes.  We have a large, quite inefficient pantry that tends to accumulate canned goods that are pushed back and supplanted by newer product.  The older product sometimes gets forgotten.  We looked at that and opened trash bags and started a major cleanup.  It really needed to be done.  An hour later we had a mostly cleaned pantry (I still need to clean the floor and the very top shelf which holds cleaning and storage products) and I feel much better about what we have available to eat.

This isn't my pantry, although it might be close to my ideal pantry.  Ours
is narrow with very deep shelves that just ache to bury products for years untold.  

The rest of the day was quite laid back.  I have been mentally working on what I will have to shift for my November schedule to allow myself the time to write my daily NaNoWriMo output.  I'm still narrowing things down, but I'll let all of you know in plenty of time.

I know I will continue to blog daily because I have done that for approximately four years.  It's a daily focusing device that I use to keep myself on track and to get my thoughts in order.  It rarely is earthshaking, in fact it often is boring.  But it serves a purpose in my life and, as such, I won't abandon it.  But the schedule may change a bit.  I'll post here when I've decided.

My room ISN'T this neat.  I'm not really sure where my maps will fit.  But I need
the odd roads, the mountain tops, the valleys and the mines, so the maps will have to
be placed where I can refer to them.  

I'm starting to get really excited about NaNo now.  I have linked up with people in my area as well as with people who are of a similar age.  I have LJ friends who have linked to me as a buddy (Thank You!) and I am excited about possible write-in events.  But most of all, I am excited about the novel I want to write, the tale I want to tell.  I'll be ordering some maps today and will have those hung in my room, my DH is starting to get resigned to the fact that November will be a miserable month, and after it is over, I'll have something to build from.  I know it will still need a lot of work and a lot more words, but I'll have the beginning of something that I hope will be excellent in time with work.  That's exciting.

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