Monday, September 24, 2012

Autumn and Politics

Autumn is here and starting to be beautiful. This coming Sunday is the final day of Renaissance Faire and we'll be there from open to close. But yesterday was a day where we were pleasantly surprised about how long we decided to stay.

"Tuey" has done his juggling, fire eating and rope walking act at the 
Minnesota Renaissance Festival for more than 30 years. He was one 
of the only warm people at the Fest grounds yesterday.

We left home in the morning thinking that it would be a short day for us because it was COLD! Really COLD. When we left home in the morning it was 37 F when we left home (2.77 C) and capes were mandatory. I had on two shirts under my corset and wore a set of long pants underneath my skirt which is NOT a comfortable choice, but a necessary one. By the time we left at 4pm though, it was up to 64 F (17.7 C), so it was tolerable. The court was out in their furs, though. Although heat is miserable for them, these cool days are just perfect for their many layers and hoop skirts with bloomers. I was quite amazed by how many of the basic attendees I saw wandering around in summer clothing - short sleeved t-shirts and shorts or sleeveless summer dresses. I guess I'm more practical, or the dragon in me is more cold-blooded. I'm sure my friends would say that cold-blooded is probably closer to the truth.

And my in-box held a nice surprise for me this morning. Check out this video on You Tube. This anti-Romney video featuring five young men in swimwear around a pool was pure funny. It also brought out some good points. Now - I'm not about to tell you how to vote in the upcoming election if you live in the US. After all, I live in a house divided and have for many years. But I found the video quite fun to watch and the young men are quite good looking and very cute. So...some political eye candy.

The Vikings (2-1) won their football game yesterday, and my Denver Broncos (1-2) fell against the Texans. Boo hoo! The replacement referees are really, really BAD! These guys are third-rank and are really doing a poor job. The best referees usually work the NFL (that would be National Football League for those of you not from the US) and the second best usually work the college teams. Of course, college football is in full swing right now so those referees are busy doing their job. That left the ones who had tried to work the professional or college games but weren't quite good enough. They are now the ones working the pro games and, sorry guys...but YOU SUCK!

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