Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Storms

So, the question is how long I will have a computer this morning before I will have to shut down to protect my electronics. We have a massive thunderstorm producing huge hail and 60 mph winds just west of us and it's roaring into the Twin Cities as I type. Last night we lost power ten minutes before the end of Master Chef (grumble...grumble) so I'll have to catch up on the recap before tonight's episode. Frustrating! But I don't like it when my electronics get fried and that's a possibility with this storm that's coming into the cities.

It's summertime and thunderstorms are common for us at this time of year. But it's been a bad two weeks for the state with some areas having more than eight inches in the past week. More rain with high winds today will result in fallen trees and flooded roads. So far (knock on wood) we're not flooding today, although we did have some water in yesterday morning's storm. Geez....

On the good news front, my eye doctor says my eyes are in great shape and I now have a new prescription in hand so that I can get my eyeglasses relensed. I had this done before and I'm looking forward to a more accurate prescription that will eliminate some of the blurriness. So, to catch this post before my computer gets hit by lightning (or whatever...) I'll put some pics into this and call it a "done deal".

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