Monday, March 20, 2017

What a Sunday!

I hope you had a great weekend. After scrapping original story ideas, I quickly wrote "How Long is Forever" and "Reminders of Burnt Dreams" on Saturday morning, and pulled out "Studying the Map" on Sunday for the prompt "The Road goes ever on and on...". I'm working on the prompt for today and have a pretty good idea of where to go for tomorrow's prompt. I'm not ahead of the game, but I'm not behind either, just keeping up. Hopefully I can pull ahead again, though. Breathing room is always appreciated.

I'm trying my best to pull ahead on my stories once again. It's nice
to have a little breathing room in my schedule and I don't want
to fall behind. 

I finally had a chance to see "Dr Strange" last night. I'd been wanting to see it in the theatre, but that never happened, so I bought DH the DVD a few weeks ago. He had a chance to watch it a couple of weeks ago, but this was my first time. Great film. So much fun. I want a cloak like that! I'll have to watch it again to catch all of the secondary things, but Marvel hit another one out of the park with this.

Will Dr Strange be joining Thor in the moving that's currently
filming in Australia - "Thor: Ragnarok"? And what of Mordo?
Hmmm ... all sorts of interesting things going on here. YEAH!

We're crazy warm again, for March. March usually is one of our two snowiest months, but we've had it going all around us. We've certainly had some, and there are still some patches and some mountains of piled removed snow at larger buildings and shopping malls, but it's 4:00 am and 35 degrees F right now, and that's beyond usual. I'm not complaining, but some of the winter resorts have had a really rough few years and ice fishing this year was a bit of a joke, lasting for a month or so. I'm still wearing my lovely purple winter coat because it's not jacket temperatures quite yet. But I really can't complain.

I love my purple coat just as much now
as when I bought it last fall. It's been a
great winter coat - nice and warm, and
it fits great too. Happy me! 

So, I'm off to the YMCA pool for my morning swim, then breakfast, and then to work and continuing to write and post my next story for B2MeM. It's been so much fun so far, and I'm totally having a blast! Have a great Monday, enjoy a strong start to your week.

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