Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Breathing Space and B2MeM

Although I was writing my next story yesterday, I didn't get it posted yet. I'm hip deep in "Forever", but it's not finished or edited yet, and today is a 'must deal with income taxes because our appointment is in a week' day, so I may not get much writing done today either. Still, that's why I try to work ahead. It gives me a little breathing space before a hard deadline.

Breathing space. We all need it sometimes. I'm peppering today's
post with different breathing space pictures. Perhaps one
of them will allow you to settle down, slow down a bit, and
take some time for yourself. 

Having breathing space doesn't mean I can ignore things, though. I will have to get this next story pounded out; 3/4 finished is not completed! In fact, 3/4 finished in my artwork is usually a pretty disgusting level where everything looks quite awful.

Whether it be the seashore or mountains, Mother Nature has somewhere
that can inspire you and cause you to find your center, your quiet zone.
That's what's necessary for true breathing space - the ability to zen out. 

I want to thank those of you who are still reading and commenting for B2MeM. The event is now ending its first half and for some people, the momentum has slowed down. Some paths are already complete, and I know at least one person who finished her first color path and is now started on a second color. You GO girl! There have been some great stories put out there, and also some really interesting research coming out in the non-fiction compositions.

Not everyone loves butterflies, but a photo like this can inspire breathing
space in many people. The balance of colors and the soft pastels balance
with just a hint of more dramatic color at the bottom of the insect.
So beautiful. 

For nonfiction, I highly recommend Dreamflower's excellent essays on hobbit life. She's going into detail on families, education, and government and I know there are more essays to come. I'm fascinated when I'm reading them because the research is sound and it all just makes sense in the hobbit world view. If you haven't caught her essays, look them up on the B2MeM board on Live Journal.

The forest opening up to a meadow can also be a breathing space. That
open territory waiting to be explored and the dappled sunlight calling
you onward. There's nothing quite like the smell of a forest floor, or
the sight of sunlight on a meadow in the early morning when the dew drops

I'd like to get a little work done this morning before I run to the gym. Hugs go out to all of you on the East Coast who have gotten pounded by this latest winter storm. What a mess! I hope everyone is safe, cozy, and happily curled up with a good book or whatever/whoever makes you happy. I'll be back tomorrow with another installment of "Thoughts on the Run". Happy Wednesday!

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