Thursday, January 9, 2025

Biopsy Report and Today's Agenda - Healing and Cleaning

I survived my breast biopsy, and I can report to anyone looking at possibly having that procedure. In my personal experience, although it wasn't the most comfortable thing I've ever gone through, it wasn't painful. That might be because I had a great Doc doing the work - she's the specialist at the clinic and she definitely knew what she was doing. There were uncomfortable moments, but nothing actually painful. I had worn the bra I own that supports my breasts the best, and I'm wearing the second of the two today, just to keep things in place and without movement. Thanks to everyone for thinking positive thoughts for me during this procedure. Now to wait for the lab results. 

So I had what is called a CORE Needle Biopsy - the type 
most highly recommended because it pulls out larger samples 
than a simple needle biopsy. I was told that most women 
bruise after the procedure, but looking at my breast this 
morning, I must be one of the exceptions, because I didn't 
see any bruising. What's the difference in biopsy types? 
Here's a video that explains them:

I got home from the breast clinic, skipping the grocery store, and went to sleep for a couple of hours. I was absolutely exhausted. I know that was emotional exhaustion, but emotional or physical, I was out. I did go grocery shopping later in the day and I'll make a nice batch of stew today. I'm already looking forward to it. DH gave me the option of taking today off, and tomorrow is a normal day off for me, so I'll actually have three days off in a row. (I've already apologized to Chickie for abandoning her solo for three days). 

The breast center does a booming business, which is rather 
sad in some respects, and excellent in others. I was amazed 
that there was more than one Sandra in the waiting room. 
They figured out which of us they needed, and she proceeded 
in while I waiting for another 15 minutes or so. 

Although Chickie Mama had offered to accompany me to the clinic, I turned her down. I really didn't need another person there, and just wanted to internalize and center myself. I don't regret that decision at all - it was exactly what I needed. 

I can't deal with my desk any more. I have an unexpected day 
off today, and I'm going to take advantage of it and clean this 
mess up. I can't see the surface of my desk at all any more. 
Shame on me! 

I'm looking for two checks that the store issued to me earlier this year that I haven't deposited. I'm not finding them, so today will be a "Sandi's Cleaning her Desk" day. It desperately needs it, my stacks of paper in front of my computer monitor are at least six inches tall. *sigh* A lot of paperwork to have to go through, but hopefully most of it can be shredded and I can have a functional desk once again. That's what's on today's agenda while the soup cooks. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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