Monday, December 2, 2024

My Clock is Ticking and LJ Idol is Pressing Onward

First of all and of primary importance, I must send a big "Thank You" out to all of you who voted for my story of Katy's birthday celebration. I garnered votes and lots of positive comments, BUT ... I'm in a write-off with one of the other very talented authors. We tied in vote count, and it was almost a three-way tie, but for a single vote. Yes ... that's how VERY important every vote can be. So, I have a day to cobble together something I'm not ashamed of putting out there, and it's a Monday - a day when I'm working the sales floor almost 100% solo, while DH is in the back room doing the financial books for the week. Will I have an entry worth posting? Maybe. 

But I'm in a quandry (and how often do you really have the need to use such a cool word as quandry?). It's the busiest season of the year for my business, I don't get a Sunday off until after Christmas Day, I'm getting my Wednesdays off because I need one day to cook and do laundry, but Wednesdays are my ONLY days off until Christmas. After Christmas we dive right into our Inventory Reduction Sale to bring us to the end of the year. I really can't breathe until New Year's Day. It's called "Retail Hell" and anyone who either works retail or owns a business that relies on those holiday dollars will totally understand what I'm talking about. 

So in the midst of all of this, is LJ Idol. I love the challenge of LJ Idol. I love the time frames, I love the act of sitting at my keyboard and making something click. I write every day (well ... six days a week) for my daily blog, so the mental gears are greased and moving - albeit slowly. The LJ Idol challenges come out of the blue - always making me think. When I sit at the keyboard to write something for Idol, I truly never know what will come through. Many stories have hit the cyber-garbage pile. Editing can be brutal and the stories left might be so changed as to barely appear as I had planned. I suspect it's like that for many of my fellow competitors. 

But I do write in my daily blog - six days a week, every week of the year. I've been writing this blog since the early 2000's and I have dear cyber friends throughout the world who read it every day and who have told me that those rare times when I don't post (if I haven't warned them in advance that I'd be out of town or unable to get to a computer), they worry. It brightens my heart that I have so many cyber friends out there who care about my personal well being. And this time, my blog will do double-duty. I'm going to put this out there for my LJ Idol write-off entry because I simply don't have the time to compose two original word groupings today. I have to leave for work by 7:15-7:30 am, and since it's a Monday, it's all on me to deal with the customers. No time to sit at the laptop keyboard. So, LJ Idol, this is what you get. Me - straightforward, unadulterated, and unapologetic. Voila and Slava Ukraini. For those who read my blog, I'll be back tomorrow. 

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