Monday, December 9, 2024

I'm Totally Into the Holiday Season Now

So I made it through our first Sunday of working, and we actually did make a few sales, so it wasn't a total loss. I've been head-deep in the latest of DH's project. He decided he needed to update the pricing on our most popular bead style. It's not out of place - but it's probably something that should have been done in the summer when we had more time to spend on it. As it is, my board for Delica beads looks a bit desolate and I'm pushing things through as quickly as possible to return the sample tubes to the board and have up-to-date pricing on the sample as well as the tubes that would be purchased. It's a huge job, and of course, I don't have Chickie to help out until tomorrow. With luck, however, I'll finish up the task today. 

Do you remember the episode from the "I Love Lucy" show 
entitled "Lucy and Ethel Wrap Chocolates"? That's rather like 
I feel with this latest repricing project. It's almost overwhelming, 
but it can't be because it has to be done. Still, it does seem 
never-ending and brought this old TV episode to mind. If you're 
too young to have seen it, it's worth the hunt. 

Of course, that "luck" runs both ways. If I'm lucky and can finish the project today, then we probably didn't have very many customers and our sales, during the time of year when we count on good sales, will be crappy. If, however, I can't get the project finished because I'm working with customers all day. that also will be bad because I still have a LOT of beads off the boards. *sigh* It's a total LOSE/LOSE situation all around, but I don't have any real say in it. I'm just trying to get the repricing done ASAP so that I can go back to actually selling product to customers instead of slicing, dicing, labeling and hanging. 

Luck is a two-edged sword. It can be good, or bad, but 
it's luck no matter what. Right now I'm walking the edge, 
and it's damned sharp! 

I'm not seeing the Broncos score, so I think they were on a "bye" this week, but the Vikings did beautifully, victorious over Atlanta with a score of 42-21. That was great. I think DH might have watched some of it, I had it on in the back room. I, however, was too busy with "The Project" to spend any time at all. In fact, I was so wrapped up in the whole thing that I forgot my "coffee" cup at the shop. (I actually only drink herbal tea, but tea cup sounds so demure for a honking big thermal travel mug). I'm using my secondary travel mug today to get to the shop. Then I'll deal with my normal mug and hopefully remember to bring BOTH of them home with me tonight. 

I couldn't have done it without you. I'm sorry I had 
to bow out early, but time really wasn't on my 
side. I have to be focused on the business right now, 
we rely on this season to pull us into the new year 
with a positive bank balance - no guarantee if we 
don't get the sales numbers. 

I'm also sending a HUGE thank you once more to all of you who voted for my stories in LJ Idol. I really hated to pull out early - I don't know if I would have won the write-off or not, but I didn't stay to find out. At this time of the year, I don't HAVE time. Any time. I've already received my first holiday card (from my dear friend Shruti in India), and mine haven't even hit the mail yet. That's going to be a HIGH PRIORITY item for my Wednesday because I need to get these out to my friends both near and far. I've also accepted an invitation to the family get-together which will be held in early January (a very sensible schedule). 

Don't lose sight of the fact that it's a season 
of joy, shared with strangers, friends, and 
family (your choice). Enjoy it to the best 
of your ability, and turn the Christmas carols 
off on the 26th - LOL. 

But, the Season is upon us. No time to waste. I'm going to grab a quick breakfast and get moving. I have a LOT of work still waiting for me at the shop, and little time in which to deal with it. Have an excellent Monday, I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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