Saturday, December 21, 2024

Christmas is Almost Here and I STILL Have Cards to Mail Today *sigh*

I didn't get enough done yesterday, and I'm still running in place. It seems to be quite common recently. Several of you will be getting your holiday cards late - I'm sending most of the final ones out today. I think I've finally managed to update my address list with the correct addresses, and everything should arrive correctly. Not promptly, but correctly. It's the best I can do this year. 

I'm sending the final holiday cards out today. It took 
a bit of time to get all of the address changes into 
my system and updated. A lot of you moved over the 
past year (a lot being more than five people). 

I spent yesterday working out the final sort of the Holiday Cards addresses and filling out the database appropriately, and I shoveled the small amount of snow we had on our walkways and driveway, groaned over bills to be paid and knew I needed to hit DH up for money (since I don't actually get paid, it's really his responsibility, but he complains mightily every time), and I cooked. I made baked fruit, I made a lovely vegetable soup, and I made my "Ogre Juice" for the upcoming week. 

I made a batch of Bob's Vegetable Soup yesterday, and 
it turned out lovely. I forgot to add the turkey kielbasa 
I had purchased to add to it, so I'll just add that one 
portion at a time. It'll be just fine - very taste on these 
cold Minnesota days. 

I took a short time to go to my local Barnes & Noble, looking for a specific book that DH wants, but the checkout line was HUGE and I decided to flee and order the book from B&N online instead. They didn't have exactly what I wanted in stock in any case, so standing in line would have been a worthless event. I've been wrapping DH gifts for several days now - every day or two something else appears in his pile. I hope his curiosity is piqued, but you can't ever tell for sure. I know my own area has remained pristine except for my wrapped mixer box. He tends to populate my area quite late. 

DH loves getting his current Almanac, but 
last year was a bust - they didn't have the 
correct year, and this year they were sold out 
again. So I ordered it online instead. It might 
come late, but it'll be the correct volume. 

I also have a shopping bag with wrapped gifts for Chickie and Chickie Mama. Sharon's items have already been mailed, so except for the last few holiday cards (which are always welcome, whether they arrive for a specific holiday or not), I'm actually somewhat on time. Somewhat - LOL. But when I look around me, I'm saddened. My life is a mess right now. I like order and specific locations for items, and I can't seem to keep things orderly or neat, no matter what season lately. The gift I need more than anything is time, and that's one gift I very much doubt will be given to me. Oh well, I just had to kvetch, you know? LOL Have an excellent weekend and I'll be back on Monday. 

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