Saturday, November 2, 2024

Tossing Around the Yiddish Because English Just Doesn't Cut It

I had a wonderful run ... yesterday morning. However, for the remainder of the day I was walking in pain from a pulled muscle in my upper thigh, something that had happened within the last five minutes or so on the treadmill yesterday. So, with the wisdom that hindsight brings, I've decided that I overdid it a bit yesterday, and also that I needed to give myself an additional amount of time to recover from this before going back to the equipment. So, I skipped today's run, and I'll be back on the treadmill on Monday. Of course, DH wants me to show him how to operate the machine tomorrow, so maybe I'll get a short workout on Sunday while demonstrating various things to him. Either way, however, today is a "rest" day instead. 

No treadmill today. My muscles are not very 
happy with me - I overdid it yesterday and all 
day I was in some serious hurt. I'll give myself 
until Monday to recover and should be fine to 
go by then. 

I survived the most recent LJ Idol round, and am entering the next one with the stories due on Thursday. Our topic this time is a quote from Thelonious Monk: "A genius is the one most like himself". It's leaving me a bit "bershpucked" (not sure of the Yiddish spelling, but the word is the right one for this event). I have things running through my brain, but will they be strong themes enough to survive writing and read-through? After all, for the previous post I wrote and discarded more than four tries before starting the acrostic out of desperation in my prayer. 

I'm completely "berspukled" by the latest 
topic for LJ Idol. I can tell I'm confused because 
I don't slip into Yiddish very often. But, as I 
was going through the Yiddish dictionary to see 
if I even remembered the word properly, I was 
quite amazed by how much Yiddish I actually 
know. Guess Mom raised me right - LOL. 

The Wild (hockey team) succeeded in their game against Tampa Bay last night. They were wearing their "Reverse Retro" alternate jerseys which confused me because it was North Stars colors but with the Wild logo. Very pretty. I still have an official North Stars jersey in my closet. It's not specific to any player, just a generic official one. But I still love it and I miss those colors. It was really nice to see them on the ice in Minnesota once again. I happily wear my current MN Wild jerseys too, though, especially my Kaprisov one given to me by a cherished online friend who also enjoys hockey. 

While watching the hockey game last night (we won - 
Yippee), I was initially confused by the uniform colors 
the players were wearing. These were MN North Stars 
colors, not MN Wild colors. Looking it up, it's called 
a "Reverse Retro" jersey, one of several specialty 
jerseys the team is authorized to wear for games. 
It was rather nice to see the green and gold back 
out on the ice again. 

Tuesday is Election Day where the challenge for the Presidency will enter the next phase. I guarantee if Trump isn't elected, he'll start legal crap, and people will be up in arms. Then again, if Harris doesn't win, the same thing might happen except I doubt she'll be crass enough to buy judges and influence outcomes. Either way, it's bound to be interesting, and I'm sure all of you remember that old Chinese curse ... "May you live in interesting times". ACK! 

There's something to be said about NOT living in 
interesting times. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending 
upon your viewpoint) interesting times are exactly 
where we are living right now. We're on a knife's edge 
and this election is more important than a LOT of 
elections in our past. 

So, I'm off for another day at the shop and some mulling over of directions I might take the current LJ Idol topic. I usually start and toss several story lines before settling into something I feel worth sharing with the group. The group is shrinking quickly, and for the first time ever, I'm in the final ten. It's mind-blowing and rather frightening in some respects, but I'm delighted to be among this group. I know if several people hadn't withdrawn (one in particular), I might not have survived this long. So, I'm off to the shop, then on to my truncated weekend, and finally marching into next week with a bit of trepidation. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and Slava Ukraini. 

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