Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Clock is Ticking - the Holidays Approach AND Final Six! Thank You!

I'm into the Final Six in LJ Idol, and both thrilled and terrified, going against some extremely talented writers. The topic now is "Fools Errand" and I've got ideas running through my head. The story is due on Tuesday night - not impossible, but difficult since my "weekends" are usually solidly taken up by DH. Nonetheless, I've got a couple of possibilities tapping at my mental doorways, we'll see what ends up in the short term, and what survives culling. 

I'm beyond thrilled to have made it to the Final Six 
in my writing group. I could NEVER have done 
this without your votes, and I thank each and every 
one of you who have voted for each story of mine. 
Every vote counts SO much. 

Today is Saturday, of course, and next week is "Turkey Week". It's also Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and I'm working on the emails to send to our customers for our sale of the season. We usually do the same thing every year, but the discounts are EXCELLENT and we have a lot of new people on the mailing list. I spent some time with Customer Service on Constant Contact yesterday, making sure everything was working properly and getting a few questions answered. 

It's almost Turkey Day, and I have SO much that 
has to be done before then. No time to spend on 
writing, so the next topic will be written on the 
run (so to speak). I have to make the store ready 
for the holidays, release our Black Friday/Small 
Business Saturday email, and get everything 
arranged. We'll probably repeat the sales we ran 
last year. I'm out of time to invent new things. 

DH also wanted to know my doctor and lab appointments, and I have an appointment for something quite unknown for a Saturday. That just doesn't sound right, so I'll need to go into "My Chart" when I get to the shop and find out a bit more about what's going on. Maybe it's for 2025, not 2024? Saturday appointments are rare, and quite unusual. 

It's Saturday - the end of the work week, and the 
beginning of one of the busiest weeks of our year. 
*sigh* So much still to be done before next 
Friday/Saturday and Turkey Day on Thursday. 

I had a lovely "run" today, going through the Northern Rocky Mountains - South Dakota and Montana, and ending up in the northern Italian Alps region going on dirt roads through lots of tunnels with some really stunning scenery. All of that while listening to my favorite Heavy Metal on my headphones. Mornings don't get much better than that! LOL I hope you have a totally SPLENDID day today. I'll be working, and turning story plot lines over in my head. Final six! I'm totally chuffed! LOL Slava Ukraini

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