Thursday, November 14, 2024

Tea, Cooking and LJ Idol - Yesterday Was a VERY Busy (But Good) Day

It was a very crowded day yesterday, but I actually got everything done that I needed to, including a check-up with my Orthodontist. I passed that with flying colors, my next checkup is in March next year. Whoot! It was lovely to see everyone again. 

I passed my checkup with Doc DeVoe with flying 
colors. He's pleased, I'm pleased, and I don't see 
him again until March! Whoot! 

I did grab some time to pick up a bunch of tea from the grocer across the street from Dr DeVoe's clinic. I had checked my selection at my local grocer earlier in the day, and it just wasn't thorough. So, I bought a bunch at the store "up North", and I'm stocked for at least four months, probably closer to six months, now. 

I ended up with more than $100 of tea, not unusual when 
one canister can cost $14. But I love their teas, they're 
very clear about what exactly is in each one, and I do a 
LOT of label reading before a tea makes it into my 
shopping basket. I drink several portions of tea every 
day, so ingredients are important. Remember - "There's 
nothing natural about 'Natural Flavors". In fact, 
the term "Natural Flavors" is a really good reason for 
you to NOT buy something. 

My next story for LJ Idol is due today, and I didn't have ANY time to work on it at all, yesterday. Today will be a crunch time. I think I see where the story is leading me, but I just have to bring it home and revise it a few times before posting it. 

My cabbage soup turned out really nice. I'll 
have some in two days. I have to finish up 
my chili first, then I can dive into my soup. 

I made a lovely cabbage soup in the crock pot yesterday, baked my next 10+ days of fruit for my breakfasts, and I was still prepping salad vegetables at the end of the day when DH came home. I also managed my three loads of laundry. What a housewife! LOL I feel fortunate that Aearwen cancelled our chat yesterday. I could have managed it, but it would have been in the kitchen instead of comfortably in front of my computer for an hour of "down time". I think next week we'll be back to our normal schedule once again. 

I have to finish my story for LJ Idol, and get that uploaded 
while I'm at the shop. We operate on Eastern Time for this 
contest, so I can't wait until I've arrived home and had 
dinner before uploading. 

So, as I rush off to the swimming pool once again, I wish all of you a safe and productive Thursday. I'll let you know when my story is available for reading and voting. We're down to the Final Eight, and I'm up against some extremely talented writers, so every vote will count! Thanks in advance and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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