Tuesday, November 5, 2024

It's Election Day and I'm Running Late

Today I'm rushed. I actually slept until my alarm went off - a rarity in my life. Of course, I was up at 1:14 am but decided to go back to sleep. That my 3:00 am alarm would be coming all too quickly, and I needed my sleep. Wise - I sometimes can be wise without really thinking about it. It took all of a fleeting thought before I turned over and was asleep again - LOL. 

I actually had a good night's sleep last night, woke up 
when my 3:00 am alarm went off. Yippee. Now for a 
good swim to continue a good morning. 

I did cobble together one story for the current prompt yesterday morning. I'll read it over again today and decide whether to submit it or try again. The deadline is Thursday night, so not a lot of time, but some, and that's really all that's needed. 

We won't be able to escape Winter for much longer, 
I suspect. We still have a LOT of leaves to rake up, 
so hopefully DH will get working on that today. We're 
running out of time. 

I believe that Winter has now come to stay. We're much colder and, even though we haven't seen snow that actually stuck around, it's coming. Last winter was an anomaly, and I enjoyed it, but I'm sure we won't qualify for bare minimum snow two years in a row. That's actually not good, but it is what it is. Hopefully DH can get to the leaves today. We have a LOT of them, and they need to be raked up and put into our compost pile before much longer. We'll see what my front yard looks like when I get home tonight. 

I ordered a new parka last week. The same 
style as my old one (love it!), but two 
sizes smaller. Right now my body heat 
is only heating air. I need the coat to fit 
me much closer to be warm, and I would 
like a functional zipper as well - LOL. I got 
a great deal on it, so I'm happy. 

I also bit the bullet and ordered a new winter parka a couple of days ago. I adore my parka, but it's HUGE on my now, and the zipper pull is broken, replaced by a jumbo paper clip (not nearly as effective, but it works ... somewhat). I ordered the same style/color, but in an extra small. That should be the proper size for me and I'll be much warmer without the oversize air pockets to have to heat. I'll find out - this winter won't be as forgiving as last winter was. 

Please make sure you vote, if you haven't already done so. 
It's crucially important in this contentious election, to have 
your individual voice heard. 

So, since I'm running late, I'm cutting this off here. Have an excellent Tuesday, I'm off to the pool. If you haven't voted, get out to your local polling place and get your vote in. It's VITALLY important to express your voice in this contentious election. Slava Ukraini. 

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