Monday, November 11, 2024

ARGH - Computers are NOT My Friend Right Now *Sigh*

Lately my personal blog has been asking me to sign in EVERY morning. I've gone months/years without having to do this and it's HIGHLY ANNOYING. I have more than 4800 posts on this blog, and really don't want to lose them to a cyber glitch. It's very frustrating. Every time I have to pull out my code book from my laptop bag and re-enter the information requested to be able to post my daily post. I've now written the information on a post-it note and am keeping it close to my main computer. 

My code book is quite messy these days, and I 
don't have the energy to re-do it, although I actually 
do own the new sheets upon which I could write the 
information. There are hundreds of websites that 
I have to have a log-in code for. Ridiculous! 

DH and I are wrangling with another Federal form (just one more hoop to jump through). Although I think I have the appropriate up-to-date software on my laptop, I don't have the requisite programs on either of the desktop computers that we operate because we're running older operating systems on them. I'm going to call my accountant today and see what he would charge us for filling it out and submitting it. It might be worth dipping into my dwindling funds for one more thing. *sigh*

If we just filed it online, which would require scans of our 
drivers licenses for identification, it would be relatively 
easy. But DH wants to have it in PDF format to look things 
over and make sure there aren't any errors. Although I 
have Adobe and all of the different programs on my 
laptop, my laptop won't talk to my home printer, only to 
the shop printer (a newer printer version). *sigh* 
Electronics will be the death of me! 

I think I voted in this week's LJ Idol vote, but honestly, yesterday was such a cluster f**k, that I'm not 100% sure. I'll have to go onto the website later today and double-check that. There were some excellent stories this time around, and it's such an honor to have made it into the top ten. I'm quite sure if my friend from California hadn't pulled out for personal projects, I might not have made it this far. I'm grateful to be sparring in words and themes with this talented group. 

We're down to the final 10, and I'd really 
appreciate your vote if you haven't already 
voted for me. Also, remember, votes for other 
people doesn't really help me either. The person 
with the lowest number of votes (or two people, 
in this case) are out of contention. Read all 
of the stories, and make nice comments if 
you enjoyed them, but be sparing of those votes. 

So, I'm off and running. I have a LOT to do today, and there never seems to be quite enough time in which to do it. The store is open today, despite it being a holiday, so I'm heading there as soon as I grab a quick bite to eat. Have a lovely Monday, and remember to honor the Veterans and those in active service today. It's a hard job, and they're willing to put their own lives in danger to protect all of us. Slava Ukraini. 

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