Thursday, October 24, 2024

Yesterday I Cooked Up a Storm!

I cooked like a bit of a crazy woman yesterday, making soup and a main dish so that I won't starve while I have no days off when Chickie is doing Jury Duty next week. I made a double-batch of Spicy Kielbasa Soup. It's a lovely soup that goes together quickly and cooks in my large crock pot. I finally got it dished into containers at 8:15 pm last night. 

I have a large oval crock pot similar to this one and 
I use it more than I ever thought I would. I love 
it for this soup. Just put in the ingredients and let 
the crock do the cooking. So easy! 

The other dish I made was called "Healthy Sesame Chicken" ( and it has a lovely sauce that just clings to the chicken pieces. This one called for a bit more kitchen time, and it was rather fun seeing it come together. I have two smaller containers with the chicken now, ready to be reheated for a nice dinner. '

The sauce on this recipe is lovely. It clings to the 
chicken pieces beautifully. I'm looking forward to 
my meals of my Sesame Chicken. 

I still have some of last week's soups to eat before diving into these, so that'll easily take me through next week. It's always a challenge to eat properly when I work a six-day stretch, but I think I'm totally set except for my "Ogre Juice", and I can make that on a Sunday when necessary. It only takes an hour of my time - I have it down to a fine art by now - LOL. 

Mulling over my thoughts. It's a bit frightening - LOL. 

I'm still mulling over my thoughts for "omakase" - the next writing challenge. It's due tomorrow, so my mulling time is exiting quickly. Hopefully I won't be so swamped at the shop and can get a bit of time to mull and keyboard on something other than price tags. But I know DH left me a TON of price tags to do for an order we just got in on Tuesday. 

I'll be back tomorrow, for my last 
"Day Off" for more than a week! 
*sigh* LOL

So, I'm off to the pool for the final swim of the week. I love swimming, but I'm already looking forward to being back on the treadmill again tomorrow. It's SUCH a relief having a treadmill back in my life again. It's back to a learning curve on another piece of electronic equipment, but I'm absolutely fine with that - LOL. Have an excellent Thursday, I'm off to the pool. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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