Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Housecleaning and Shoes

It's a day off for me today, and for a change it won't be snowing. It will be cold, though, so I'll be bundled up in my purple coat because I'm not a fool. A day off will be welcome, though. I'm way behind with housework and I have all these t-shirts from Sunday's cleaning project on my chair waiting for either culling or a home. If I have time, I'm going to continue on that project and start cleaning out my dresser drawers so that I can acquire a pile for Goodwill and re-allocate my drawer space more appropriately. I can try folding my t-shirts using the KonMari Method which allows for them to be stacked into the drawer and visible. Looks good to me, check it out (and many thanks to Dreamflower02 for the suggestion).

I don't have a lot on my agenda today - grocery shopping, catching up with emails, housecleaning (several loads of laundry, changing sheets, washing the kitchen floor, etc), so I'm also going to find myself at my computer getting caught up on things there. I haven't had time to write in forever! Maybe I'll get some things composed this afternoon. I can try.

Continuing with the 365-day Meme ...

Vans shoes may work for me. My Converse slip-on shoes are
almost worn out and I don't have anything else that I can
put on and off with ease. My slippers are beyond pathetic.
Time to spend some money on shoes *sigh*. 

Last thing you wanted but didn't get?

A comfortable pair of shoes and a new set of slippers. It's not that I can't get them, just finding ones that are comfortable with my feet and my orthotics inserts can be very challenging. My orthotics are mandatory if I actually want to be able to walk without pain. I'm on my feet at the shop for much of the day, so comfort is essential. I think I may try and order some Vans from Zappos and see how they work out.

It's so nice to have a lane to oneself, but Rosemary and I share
often and we pace each other really well. 

What mood were you in today?

Obviously whoever compiled this list assumed people would be filling it out at night. Well, I'm filling this out at 4:00 am so my "were in" comprises all of 45 minutes. I'm in a pretty good mood today, though, and I'm hoping that my swim today will be as good as yesterday's was. Usually the pool is more crowded on a Wednesday, though, so I might not get a lane of my own. Swimming is always more efficient for me when I don't have to share a lane with Rosemary.

Lots of people love hummus, but I am not one of them. The
olive oil and other ingredients are too greasy for me and
just end up making me sick. I also find it relatively tasteless. 

What was the last new thing that I tried?

I ate a little bit of hummus yesterday because Chickie gave me her Greek olives and two slices of tomato from the hummus her mother brought her from the Turkish restaurant down the street. I'm not a fan of hummus and that tiny bit that I couldn't scrape from the tomatoes had my stomach in knots for hours afterward. No - not eating that again if I can avoid it.

So there you have three days of catch-up on the Meme which only leaves me a week or so behind. I'm not doing them by the calendar date though, rather I'm working through them with the goal of finishing all 365 prompts by the end of the year. So far, so good. Have a wonderful Wednesday, enjoy the first day of February, and remember - do something kind for someone today. Kindness is never wasted.

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