Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sharing the Bounty - International Cards

I had such wonderful holiday cards sent to me this year, and some of the very best arrived within the past week. I'm going to share some of them with you today because pretty is always a wonderful thing to look at and because I loved each and every one of them. My mantle piece looked marvelous with a long row of cards received from all over the world. Friends, family, fellow artists and authors sent cards to DH and me. I was over the moon with each one I received.

Poland - BinkasLibrary
Binka is an LJ friend and a lovely person.
This beautiful card was based on an original
embroidery and I really loved it. It was textured
and interesting  and I adored the color palette. 

India - Shruti
Shruti and I have been friends for many years now. We
have roomed together at metal clay conferences as well
as at a Bead & Button Show. She's an amazing artist. The
image is her own - she designs an original card each
year, has them printed and sends them to a large list of
very talented artists throughout the world. 

England - cmcmck
A historian, cmcmck chose a classic image which was sold in support
of REA Valley Riding for the Disabled. It's a very Renaissance
look and I love the way the cloth folds were treated. I've had
a lot of fun studying the image on this card. 

England - LindaHoyland
I have been an LJ friend with Linda Hoyland and
her beautiful cats for many years now. This lovely
card featured Leo, Harry and Reuben - her ginger boys. 

Germany - Iris
I first got to know Iris by doing beta and editing work
for her fan fiction stories. We've been friends for
many years now. She loves reindeer - having statues
of reindeer throughout her house over the holidays.
Some of my best reindeer images have come
in cards from her. 

Netherlands - Hans
Hans and his lovely wife have been friends from afar for many
years and several locales. One of the most talented jewelers
it's been my pleasure to know, I hope that we can meet in person
some day. His card is gold foil and holly leaves - so pretty. 

Peru - SilverTrails
An LJ friend for, I was thrilled to get
this card from her, especially when she was rushing to
catch a plane to the USA to visit her daughter and
daughter-in-law. I loved the flocked surface of
the card, as well as exercising my brain by translating
the printed verse inside. She's another person I
hope to meet face-to-face some day. 

Portugal - Tallulared
Just look at the happy faces of the kids sledding down this
hill. She has a young son and I'm sure these images
reminded her of him. It made me smile - so cute and colorful! 

UK - Isle of Mann - CuriousWombat
Another LJ friend of many years, I was so thrilled to get this
lovely card from her. It was NOT a relaxing holiday time
for her or her family, so to get a card when she was so
busy and stressed, was truly amazing and very appreciated. 

So, those are my international cards. I'll scan in some of my domestic cards another day. I got some lovely ones, and it's always fun to put them out for other eyes to see. Have a great Thursday, I'm ready to bundle up and get out to the pool once more.

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